Menu structure as followings:
School Info
– Academics
— Academic Calendar
— Student Handbook
– Calendars
— Athletic
— Event
Normally people follow the path and click on the end node of Academic Calendar, Student Handbook, Athletic or Event
However sometimes people click on the branch node of Academics or, Calendars
When they click on the branch node they are taken to a webpage.
My need:
Want branch node to act like a menu header – fill space, but takes no action (i.e. not go to a webpage).
My problem:
If you set a branch node to a menu header then the > symbol letting you know that this menu item has a submenu doesn’t appear. Ergo unless you actually click on the branch node you don’t see the submenu. A confusing navigation issue for end-users.
My question:
How can I have a branch node fill space, but take no action AND not be a menu header?