If you want to use the module “styling”, then you would have to enter this in the “module suffix” field ( when you click on a module to edit it. This is the only place you can apply the module styling to it.
Then again you can create a new module and input css, javascript and other “fun stuff” into it. Just remember to use the non-wysiwyg editor to input the html text. If you use a html editor when trying to add html/javascript code it will mess up the module. Not a problem, it will just not show the module as you want it to appear like.
Hope this did help you somewhat. I would also suggest to go to tutorials.joomlart.com to read more about what you can do in Joomla and with Joomlart templates. Also, there are a few good tutorials on Joomla out there as well. It is one brilliant system, once you get to know it a bit.