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  • sainthout Friend

    Hi all,

    I installed Business 7 template to Joomla 2.5.
    It works great and looks nice, except that the Mega Menu doesn’t automatically hide when I move my mouse away from it.
    I tried both IE9 and Chrome 18, but they both show the same behaviour.

    Are there any known conflicting Joomla 2.5 scripts or settings which I may need to change?
    I tried last T3 with default settings and latest Joomla 2.5.4.

    My website URL is http://www.hollanddenkt.nl


    sainthout Friend

    Already solved it by removing a line in the CSS of the template.
    It’s probably just a small glitch in the template.

    missanne Friend

    Hello sainthout,
    I’m having exactly the same issue.
    Using template business 9, the mega menu chidrenitems never hide after beeing opened by mouseover.
    You seem to have solved this problem. Could you please help me and tell me which css file and line do I have to remove ?

    inexact Friend

    Exactly the same problem for me with my website. :((

    I’m using Business 9 template too, and the mega menu children never hide after an opening by mouse over.
    Who can help me to solve my problem ?
    Thank you for your help.

    Stork11 Friend


    JA Business is a commercial template. If you want to get help from JA Support, please purchase our membership at: http://www.joomlart.com/member/signup.php


Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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