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  • djtaylor Friend

    please can anyone help it goes under the slideshow

    1. problem
    swissa Friend

    The z-index of the slideshow you have is set above the z-index of megamenü .childcontent.

    You will probably have to ‘play’ with both z-index numbers to get a resolution. Just adding a higher number often doesn’t work properly as ‘ .ja-megamenu .childcontent ‘ already has 999.

    Without seeing the site live I couldn’t say for sure.

    djtaylor Friend

    ok what files do i have to play around with?

    swissa Friend

    Being completely blind I’d rather not speculate so can’t tell you I’m afraid. The demo has css files that are joined and compressed so that makes it impossible for me to see which file and line needs to be changed. I suspect it’s going to be in a menu.css file somewhere but wouldn’t know if that is under templates or at source in the jat3 files. Also I don’t know the slideshow you are using and what css it has. What is it’s z-index if it has one?


    Looking at your image, I suspect the slideshow (I don’t recognise this one with the EQ sliders) has probably 2 z-index entries. One for the background that is under 999 as the menü is on top of the black background and one for the ‘featured content’ which needs to be changed. Also the menü js has a zindex element. As you can see you have to take all into mind or else you could hide the content behind the background etc.

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  swissa 12 years, 9 months ago.

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