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  • laciberes Friend

    Hi all,

    I’ve been trying to find a solution to this issue, but no result…

    My menu is set to “mega menu” in the backend, ad all works fine except of one thing…check the attached pic please.
    As a top level menu item is active, you cannot see where you actually are in the submenu…
    I assume it’s related to the menu css, as the submenu title is there, but in white, so it dissapears in the background.
    Where can I cange the color of this active submenu title?
    I tried to change it in the related css files, but no result…I can change almost all states there (like visited, and hover…) but not the active.

    Any help would be appreciated,


    1. menu-problem
    khoand Friend

    Could you give me a link to your page as you said?

    laciberes Friend



    thanks for helping me

    laciberes Friend

    anyway…i’m trying to make changes in the css/menu/mega.css ….but no result

    I’m playing around with these setting, but cannot adjust the “active” state of that link…

    .ja-megamenu ul.level1 li.mega a.over, .ja-megamenu ul.level1 li.mega a.over:hover, .ja-megamenu ul.level1 li.mega a.mega:hover { color:#000 !important}

    this is the original part I think is related to my issue…but maybe not 🙂

    khoand Friend

    You change this code from /templates/ja_teline_iv/css/menu/mega.css in the line #11

    .ja-megamenu a.over, .ja-megamenu a.active {
    color: white !important; < change this line

    laciberes Friend

    Thanks for your answer, it works!
    However now the problem is, this css setting affects the main menu text as well, so it also changes if I set the color for the active link.
    I it possible to set this color value different for the main menu and the submenu items?
    I’m trying to figure it out…
    Thanks 4 your help again!

    laciberes Friend

    I got it!
    Adding .ja-megamenu ul.level1 a.active { color: #000 !important; } solved the problem 😀

    khoand Friend

    You’re welcome. I’m glad about your problem is solved

    798607 Friend

    thanks, thanks thanks

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