It seems the mega menu script is adding the opaque attribute to the wrong tag.
It adds it here:
<div class=”childcontent-inner-wrap” style=”width: 200px; opacity: 0;”>
This div seems to be the container for the sub-menus. I’m not sure how to fix this to work properly though. I’m not a js coder.
However, you can use this to show the sub-menu text:
.childcontent-inner-wrap {
opacity: 1 !important;
Place it at the bottom of your template.css file. Any one of the template.css files in your ja_t3_blank folder will work. Be advised though that this will take away the “fade” effect.
You could try setting the opacity to a midway point like “0.5” which is 50% opacity. Note: 1=100%, 0.5=50% and 0=0%. You can use set it to anything between 0 and 1.
Best regards,
H. Winchester Lyon