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  • erkdahl Friend


    Im experimenting with the mega-menu, but cant get the tag-line to show. If i use firebug i can see that the tag is outputted to html, but with display:none. Any ideas why this is happening? I have not customized the template…

    aman204 Friend

    You can remove this property::

    #ja-mainnav ul li span.menu-desc, #ja-subnav ul li span.menu-desc {typo.css (line 30)
    display: none; >>> remove

    To make it look nice with description on, You can decrease font-size value accordingly::

    .ja-megamenu ul.level0 li.mega span.menu-desc {mega.css (line 53)
    display: block;
    font-size: 92%;
    font-weight: normal;

    and even increase the graphics height ::

    .ja-megamenu ul.level0 li.mega.active a.mega, .ja-megamenu ul.level0 li.mega.active a.mega:hover, .ja-megamenu ul.level0 li.mega.active a.mega:active, .ja-megamenu ul.level0 li.mega.active a.mega:focus {mega.css (line 49)
    background: url(“../../images/mainnav-active-r.png”) no-repeat scroll right 3px transparent;
    color: #333333;


    .ja-megamenu ul.level0 li.mega.active {mega.css (line 45)
    background: url(“../../images/mainnav-active-l.png”) no-repeat scroll left 3px transparent;

    Source psd file for above graphic elements :: can be found in source files of specific template

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  aman204 14 years ago.

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