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  • ccbbam Friend

    Hello all,

    I am still trying to fully understand how templates styles assignments do work…

    I have 2 megamenu options – public and registered, each one with their own template styles (default and members-home).

    Public menu and template style is OK. But registered menu and member´s style are not working fine.

    I suppose I have set up everything as it should, including template style assignment, double checked all member´s menu itens for template assignment -> member´s style and member´s style navegation assigned to member´s menu.

    After login, member-menu style is loaded in main member´s home, as it should.

    But issues arise when I load pages from member´s menu subitens (menu online tests). Despite all menu itens are assigned to member´s style and joomla user group = registered, when page is loaded megamenu returns to public menu.

    I mean, I opened a member´s page from member´s menu and I found megamenu = public menu.

    Also have assigned all member´s page to joomla user group = registered.

    This also happens when I open pages directly from a member´s only menu (Test results at footer-1). All style assignment is set to member´s style, all pages are restricted to registered. And also in this case megamenu loads public menu, not member´s menu.

    Some few other main megamenu itens keeps member´s menu (ex. Kunena, member´s paid content), I was not able to find out what is missing…:((

    Could you please take a look at: minhasuperacao.com (public) and minhasuperacao.com/membros (member´s area). Menu test results (will be hidden, after this issue is solved) is at footer-1, visible.

    If you could explain exactly what I am missing, I will be grateful, because I have done many many testing and know that this is an important issue not only for current pages and articles, but also for others in future.

    Best regards to you all,

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    The problem “Cannot load setting for Register access menu” has been fixed from T3 framework: https://github.com/t3framework/t3/commit/d59f82db4f7c8d0280efc23ae283826f2764cb6f, you can get T3 latest version(v2.4.1) here

    ccbbam Friend

    Hi Ninja, thanks for answering.

    I updated T3 but issue still remains. I cleared joomla and brownser cache, added a new registered menu item, changed an old meny entry to public then to registered, but so far didn´t work.

    Which would be the next thing to try?

    Thanks in advance.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I see “Hidden – Resultados Testes” module is setting with Access: Registered. There are the screenshot before and after login.

    and the menu minhasuperacao.com (public) and minhasuperacao.com/membros (member´s area) have been changed with before and after login too.

    Maybe I misunderstanding what did your question. Please send me the screenshot and description on that particular screenshot on what you would like to do. It would help to understand the issues and give you specific answers.

    1. before_login
    2. after_login
    ccbbam Friend


    Sorry if I was not clear. Please see below.

    This is the public menu, assigned to megamenu = public and template style = default. It is at top of public homepage, and allows main public navegation.

    After login, you go to member´s home page, where you can see member´s menu. Template style is members-home, navagation assigned to Menu Membros and megamenu configuration is Registered user -> Menu Membros.

    I plan this member´s menu to be the main member´s / registered user navegation. Then I assigned the template style Members-Home (which has their megamenu setting / main navegation assigned to Menu Membros) for all Menu Membros – Menu itens. See this seetings for menu item Testes Online – Membros

    But when I click, correct page article is loaded, but not member´s menu (that is assigned to template style Membros-Home). Instead, public menu is there!

    And this also happens to another registered menu, hidden menu at footer. This hidden menu has nothing to do with main navegation, but their menu itens are all assigned to template style Membros-Home. See one of these menu itens as example:

    And when it is clicked, correct page loads but navegation menu at megamenu is Menu Public, not Menu Members as it should be.

    Hope I could explain myself better.

    Thanks in advance,

    1. home
    2. afterlogin
    3. menutestesonline
    4. aemenu
    5. aepage
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I got your idea but I need to work it directly on your site. You can pm me FTP account of your site, I will help you to find the solution.

    ccbbam Friend

    Hi Ninja! I just sent you ftp details by PM.

    Thank you so much!

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@ccbbam 457084 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Ninja! I just sent you ftp details by PM.

    Thank you so much!</blockquote>

    I fixed the problem directly on your site with the solution below

    Open templates/ja_sugite/tpls/blocks/header.php file

    Find and change

    <jdoc:include type="<?php echo $this->getParam('navigation_type', 'megamenu') ?>" name="<?php echo $this->getParam('mm_type', 'mainmenu') ?>" />


    if (JFactory::getUser()->guest==1):
    <jdoc:include type="<?php echo $this->getParam('navigation_type', 'megamenu') ?>" name="<?php echo $this->getParam('mm_type', 'mainmenu') ?>" />
    <jdoc:include type="megamenu" name="menu-membros" />
    <?php endif ?>

    You can check it again, let me know if it helps

    ccbbam Friend

    Hi Ninja! Perfect!! 😀

    Many thanks to you and all JA team!

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ccbbam 10 years, 1 month ago.

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