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  • sjmorris Friend


    Having problems with Mega Menu not hiding after a mouseover on Chrome and FireFox 4 as described in these threads:



    The solution seems to be to simply “Upgrade to T3 Framework” which JA_Seleni does not support. What is the fix for this?

    huypl Friend

    Hello sjmorris,
    To solve this problem just do the following as posted by joomboom. I’ve downloaded JA Seleni and had the same problem. Then I use this way to solve the problem of Mega Menu.
    1. Open templatesja_selenilibsmenubase.class.php – find the following lines:

    $v->url = JURI::base();
    and replace with:
    $v->url = JURI::base(true).’/’;
    and this line:
    $itembg = ‘style=”background-image:url(‘.JURI::base().’/images/stories/’.$iParams->get(‘menu_image’).’);”‘;
    replace with:
    $itembg = ‘style=”background-image:url(‘.JURI::base(true).’/images/stories/’.$iParams->get(‘menu_image’).’);”‘;
    and this line:
    $txt = ‘<span class=”menu-image”><img src=”‘.JURI::base().’/images/stories/’.$iParams->get(‘menu_image’).'” alt=”‘.$tmp->name.'” title=”‘.$tmp->name.'” /></span><span class=”menu-title”>’ . $tmp->name . ‘</span>’;
    replace with:
    $txt = ‘<span class=”menu-image”><img src=”‘.JURI::base(true).’/images/stories/’.$iParams->get(‘menu_image’).'” alt=”‘.$tmp->name.'” title=”‘.$tmp->name.'” /></span><span class=”menu-title”>’ . $tmp->name . ‘</span>’;

    2. Open templatesja_selenijsmenumega.js

    find this line :
    if (li.childcontent) li.timer = setTimeout(this.itemHide.bind(this, [li, e]), this.options.delayHide);
    – and replace with this one:
    if (li.childcontent) li.timer = this.itemHide.delay(this.options.delayHide, this, [li, e]);

    I try this way and mega menu works well in Chrome version 10.0.648.127

    sjmorris Friend

    Beautiful. Thank you so much for your help!

    harvas Friend

    Also worked for JA Social. Different path-names of course! Great post!!!

    huypl Friend

    Yes, It works for most of the templates harvas.

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