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  • jcsanjurjo Friend

    Hi, I need to setup some styling on the Megamenu. Please see the screenshot

    I’d like:

    • to remove the second white line in the menu group on the right, just above the video object
    • to put the opacity of the grey background even more opaque

    To understand the 2nd white line issue, I’m attaching as well the backend settings of the menu item …

    and the backend settings of the html module with the video

    Thanks a lot for your assistance

    joan carles

    1. error
    2. error1
    3. error2
    MoonSailor Friend

    Hi jcsanjurjo,

    I need more information your site (account admin). Please send pm to me.

    jcsanjurjo Friend

    Hi @moonsailor, I’m sorry but I’m working on a offline WAMP environment, for development purposes.

    Please let me know what you need to check and I’ll provide the screenshots

    Thank you

    joan carles

    MoonSailor Friend

    Hi @jcsanjurjo,

    Because, when i see images attach, I can’t give the exact answer for your problem.

    – With “2nd white line” : i think it’s style of modules. You need use firebug in browser mozila firefox find tag of it.

    – “to put the opacity of the grey background even more opaque” : go to file “templates/ja_zite/css/menu/mega.css” find

    .ja-megamenu .childcontent-inner {
    background: url(../../images/submenu-bg.png) repeat left top ;
    border-top: 0;
    margin-top: -8px;

    and you can change it here.

    jcsanjurjo Friend

    Thank you @moonsailor for your answer.

    For the 1st point, “2nd white line”, I’ve been doing a research and this is what I find out with the chrome developper tools. See the image

    as you can see on the page source code, on the line <div class=”ja-box-ct clearfix”>
    the matched CSS Rules are

    .ja-megamenu .childcontent .ja-moduletable {
    line-height: 1.5;

    So, my questions are:

    • is that red line-height: 1.5; the code that i should remove?
    • If I remove it, no other places of the website will be affected?

    And regarding your answer to my second point, the one related to the background opacity …<blockquote>- “to put the opacity of the grey background even more opaque” : go to file “templates/ja_zite/css/menu/mega.css” find
    [PHP].ja-megamenu .childcontent-inner {
    background: url(../../images/submenu-bg.png) repeat left top ;
    border-top: 0;
    margin-top: -8px;
    } [/PHP]
    and you can change it here.</blockquote>
    I still need your help, cause no idea about CSS programming. I’m a newbie. Please what I should change to setup opacity?

    Thank you again for your assistance

    joan carles

    1. error
    jcsanjurjo Friend

    Hi @moonsailor, are you there?

    MoonSailor Friend

    Hi, @jcsanjurjo

    When viewing the images attached, it is hard for me to answer correctly your questions.

    – The line-height property specifies the line height. It does not create border of div.

    – Style of sub menu using images give background. It’s using images “submenu-bg.png” with path “templates/ja_zite/images/”. So, if you want change opacity, you can try :
    +> Edit again background of it (images “templates/ja_zite/images/submenu-bg.png”)
    +> Or using css opacity property, you can read more here :

    If your site is published, i can go to or change it for you.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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