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  • son123 Friend

    Hi under the EU Cookie Directive – I am auditing the cookies being set on a mendozite website. A mendozite cookie is being set with the value of mendozite.

    Could you tell me why it’s being set please?
    Is it really necessary?


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi son123,

    Normally i think it only stored the template name to a cookie variable, no personal information is stored 🙂

    son123 Friend

    Thanks Sherlock. But why is it being used? what function does it have?

    son123 Friend

    Can I remove the setting of it?

    Sherlock Friend

    <em>@son123 340572 wrote:</em><blockquote>Can I remove the setting of it?</blockquote>

    You can open the file of pluginssystemjat3jat3coreparameter.php at about line number 108 you would see this line of code
    [PHP] setcookie($this->template . ‘_tpl’, $this->template, $exp, ‘/’);[/PHP]

    Remove that line I think would help !

    son123 Friend

    Thanks Sherlock

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  son123 12 years, 3 months ago.

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