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  • jalankaki Friend

    1. Hi, from your gelena template, it seems that there is no difference between suckerfish menu and moo menu.

    <blockquote>Question 1: What is the difference between suckerfish menu & moo menu</blockquote>

    2. Your example of split menu contains description beneath the title. This description is from Page Title (found in Parameters (System)).

    <blockquote>Question 2: I am building a site with URL as content, thus there is no Parameters (System), thus no customized description per menu. Thus split menu uses the main page title as description. I think it looks funny (Femalography as title and Femalography as description). I want to just kill the description line, how do I do this?</blockquote>

    3. I tried to alter colour of menu text of split menu by modifying “templates/ja_galena/ja_menus/ja_splitmenu/ja.splitmenu.css”. This worked.

    <blockquote>Question 3: However, doing the same thing on suckerfish menu and moo menu, does not seem to have any effect (still white text and dark brown backround). How do I make menu text orange and background colour not changing, when I hover my mouse over the link?</blockquote>


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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  jalankaki 16 years, 3 months ago.

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