Hi Guys,
I just came across a really strange thing during development of my site.
I can’t set any menu item to i.e “special” and view it as the Super User on the frontpage.
Maybe someone could try to reproduce this:
1. Go to your admin backend
2. Set any menu item in “magazine” to the access group “special”
3. Login as Super User to your frontend
4. Try to find the menu item
In my case I’m not able to see it even when I switch it to registered.
I have tried on a plain install of Joomla 1.6.3 and it works without problems.
So i guess, the error could be somewhere in the quickstart package of JA Teline IV.
I have compared the DB entries of the menu items and user related things but I can’t see any difference.
Would be great if someone could try this.