Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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  • vinnietron Friend

    My top menu is collapsing on medium/desktop screens despite there only being 5 menu items – even with 4 items.


    chavan Friend

    until width 1280px it is collapsible, for devices above 1280px and above you have view the Menu as 5 menu items.

    The template is designed that way.

    vinnietron Friend

    Hi Chavan,

    Is there anyway to change this so the full menu is viewable on lower resolutions?


    chavan Friend

    can you please post your admin details via private message. Then I will checkout the possibilities to get this done.

    vinnietron Friend

    Still waiting on an answer on this.


    vinnietron Friend

    Is anyone able to assist?


    Eragon H Friend

    In JA-Nuevo, the Menu will collapse if the width of screen smaller than 1280px. You can change this value by

    1. Open the file root/temaplets/ja_nuevo/less/variables.less

    Change the value “@screen-lg” to the one you want >> http://prntscr.com/55vgwi

    2. Compile LESS to CSS
    Extension >> Template Manager >> Choose JA Nuevo style >> Compile LESS to CSS

    Noted: your customized css may be lost if it is not stored in the file /css/custom.css

    Remember BACKUP your templates before making change

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Eragon H 10 years, 2 months ago.

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