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  • timpennington Friend

    I am still having issues with this, and hope someone can give me some help.

    I upgraded to Teline V, and when I did, the Home button on the main navigation bar now goes to a story instead of to the home page. It has me a little perplexed

    My site is Goturpin.com

    When I go into the Home page on the menu it won’t let me change the "link" to the correct homepage; it just has "index.php?Itemid=" and it is greyed out and won’t let me change.

    Any ideas?

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    I checked the Articles pages and clicked on the logo
    it redirect me to the default page of the site and that is working fine.
    Can you check it again? The redirection of the logo will go to the default Menu you set in the Menu.


    timpennington Friend

    It’s actually the home button on the main menu; clicking it takes me to a story inside: http://goturpin.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=ja_teline_v:blank&id=8&Itemid=113

    I have attached a photo of the home button

    When I click the home button, it goes to that story; I can not change the link on the menu item

    1. homebutton
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Kindly check the Home Menu item on your site if its not a default menu item it will not work as default page if site.
    Also turn on the SEF option in the global configurations to check the URL working.


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