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  • dreamwave Friend

    I am using JA Kyanite template for our website and we see that sometimes the menu images totally disappear.
    You can see our development server live at dev3.dreamwave.net

    When you click on Main Menu –> Products, the menu images disappear.
    If you click on Main Menu –> Home, the images appear again.

    Need help in solving this problem


    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi geekyartist

    Please open templates/ja_kyanite_ii/libs/menu/base.class.php file, at about line 268, please find following code section:

    if ($this->getParam('menu_background')) {
    $itembg = 'style="background-image:url(images/stories/'.$iParams->get('menu_image').');"';
    $txt = '<span class="menu-title">' . $tmp->name . '</span>';
    } else {
    $txt = '<span class="menu-image"><img src="images/stories/'.$iParams->get('menu_image').'" alt="'.$tmp->name.'" title="'.$tmp->name.'" /></span><span class="menu-title">' . $tmp->name . '</span>';

    and change to:

    if ($this->getParam('menu_background')) {
    $itembg = 'style="background-image:url('. JURI::base() .'/images/stories/'.$iParams->get('menu_image').');"';
    $txt = '<span class="menu-title">' . $tmp->name . '</span>';
    } else {
    $txt = '<span class="menu-image"><img src="images/stories/'.$iParams->get('menu_image').'" alt="'.$tmp->name.'" title="'.$tmp->name.'" /></span><span class="menu-title">' . $tmp->name . '</span>';

    dreamwave Friend

    Thank You! That did it :-).

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  dreamwave 15 years, 1 month ago.

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