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  • bluebeep Friend

    What’s the Menu item type for JA Muzic when you want to show the Artists with the categories General, Biography, etc.?

    phong nam Friend

    @ bluebeep,

    They are the navigation links of an Artist page that is also a Joomla article of Artist category. You can refer to our template documentaion to display the artist pages like on our template demo at http://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-templates/ja-muzic#template-config (Template Customization and Menu Configuration).

    xabicom Friend

    Hello !!!

    I would like to modify the Artist menu options: “General”, “Biography”, “Audio”, “Video”, “Photos” and “Events”.
    Like: “Intro”, “Description”, “Products” and others according to my website.

    Where can I do that and how?

    Thanks in advance !

    Nazario A Friend

    @ xabicom,

    To modify these texts, pls open this file …/language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_ja_muzic.ini then find and change these syntaxes:


    These texts will be updated in both front-end and backend (the Template Config in the template manager).

    Also, you can refer to the userguide (search with keyword: “5. Templates Configuration“) to learn more about configuration for this template.

    xabicom Friend

    It is working fine now !!! 🙂

    Another question, I need to have at least 5 different type of artists and the template allows only one in:
    Template Manager> Templates Config > User Group of Artist = Artists

    Do you think I have easy way to modify that according to my requirements?
    Maybe you can give me some alternative ideas to implement…

    As always, thanks in advance !

    Nazario A Friend

    @ xabicom,

    As you might know this requires customization. Below are some steps for your consideration (eg: create User Group of Actors)
    – Add new field in template manager with name “User Group of Actors” (/templates/your_template_name/templateDetails.xml)
    – Create new user group with name “Actors” then add new user (actor’s name) into this usergroup.
    – Create new category’s name “Actors” then create new article (actor’s name) which has the actor’s information
    – Create new menu item with name “Actors” and select the category’s name “Actors”.

    Hope this helps.

    xabicom Friend

    Hello Nazario, of course it helps !

    I follow all the steps and in addition to this, made some changes in the following file:

    I assign the variables on this way:
    $artists_category → $actors_category
    $artists_usergroup → $actors_usergroup

    I try to work only with the new menĂş option called “ACTORS” and it Works RIGHT!
    But the option “ARTISTS”, as you can imagine, fail.

    So, now the issue is to have both menu options working and I don´t know if I could solve the assignment only with “IF” sentences in the first lines of code. As you know better the implementation on this template and the possible consequences, do you think is a good idea?

    Maybe the solution is more simple creating a new default_actors.php, but it seem so big deal…

    Any idea are welcome!
    Thank you very much Nazario!!!

    Nazario A Friend

    @ xabicom,

    As my previous reply, your require is heavy customization. I’m afraid, I can guide you the main steps only. Now, you must to custom by yourself.

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