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  • Saguaros Moderator


    In your screenshot, it seems that it’s display children categories when viewing a category page. You can disable this option under back-end settings of that category in Virtuemart.

    To change color, simply access Admin panel > Extensions > Templates > JA Megastore > Theme tab and change to your desired theme.


    domir21 Friend

    thanks for your replay! I made two from 3 problems. I don’t know where exactly I should change menu background in this thememagic – I see fonts and the rest but not the menu background and left border < I marked on my screen.


    Saguaros Moderator

    Could you illustrate the modification you expect via screenshot?

    domir21 Friend

    Yes – enter image description here

    I woudl like to have menu like this 🙂

    Saguaros Moderator

    For the style customization like this, you can use Google chrome or Firefox inspect element. What I usually do is hover on any HTML element (i.e. button, tag, text, …) you want and right click on it and then click on inspect element, it will show you which CSS/LESS class it is using and which CSS/LESS file and the path to this element on the right side. then you can go to the file and replace it with new CSS/LESS you change.

    In this case:

    You can see that the navbar is declared with dark color (333333) in the file:

    In this file, you see this:

    .navbar-default {
      background-color: @navbar-default-bg;

    which means that it’s taking value from navbar-default-bg variable and you can change color here

    If you’re familiar with less and want to change variable, all variables are declared via this file: [root]/templates/ja_megastore/less/variables.less

    Open this file, you will see this:

    @navbar-default-bg:  #333;

    This change is applied in LESS file so if your site is running with development mode, just refresh front-end to see the change, if development mode is off, you need to access template manager section and compile less to css.

    After changing background color of menu to white, for example, you will need to change color of text in menu (as by default, text in menu also has white color), just right click on any text and inspect this element and do the same steps like above.

    I hope this makes senses.

    domir21 Friend

    Hi of course it makes sens 🙂 Thanks for all advices and for fix my problems – for now 🙂 Regards

    I have one more problem:
    where can set the left offcanvas sidebar(1) to right side and turn off current right sidebar(2).

    I want to have only (1)sidebar at the right side with (1) style. So we need to turn off (2) and replace (1).

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by  domir21.

    1. bledy2
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This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  domir21 6 years, 9 months ago.

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