Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
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  • christofferl Friend

    I have big problems appearing in the menu. After adding a 3rd level to the menu I got the following error. See attached images.

    Regardless if I unpublish or remove menu items, they are still present in the menu.

    I also get the error when trying to add och change a menu item.

    Please let me know what to do :confused:

    If I can not solve this I must revert to my latest backup :((

    1. ja_17a
    2. ja_17d
    3. ja_17e
    Sherlock Friend

    Dear christofferl,

    You can submit a ticket into out ticket system,give us your admin account as well as the FTP info for further checking on this issue.

    christofferl Friend

    OK I will do it immediately!

    My work is on hold until this bug is fixed as it is affecting the menus a lot.

    So, please have a look at it at your earliest convenience :-*

    jeffrey77 Friend

    christofferl, this is not a bug.
    You must have not set in Menu item–>Parameters (JA Extended)—>Group to yes.

    christofferl Friend

    Hi jeffrey77, thanks for looking into this. However, I am not sure I understand completely. I think all menu item parameters är OK …or?

    See the attached images

    1. ja_18a
    2. ja_18b
    3. ja_18c
    jeffrey77 Friend

    did you set “Our solution” Group to yes?

    christofferl Friend

    The Group parameter is set to “no”. See attached image

    1. ja_19a
    jeffrey77 Friend

    so that is the problem. set it to yes.

    christofferl Friend

    Unfortunately, this has no effect :((

    I still do not see the submenu and I still get the PHP error

    I am desperate in finding a solution, I will try anyting.

    1. ja_19b
    jeffrey77 Friend

    try top menu—->tools—->clean cache

    if still can not, access your ftp, find /public_html/cache/ directory, delete anything inside.

    christofferl Friend

    Believe me, I have cleaned and cleaned and I am using several browsers as well as an other PC and an IPad to check this. Still PHP error and still menu not doing as I want 🙁

    jeffrey77 Friend

    if still can not, access your ftp, find /public_html/cache/ directory, delete anything inside.

    christofferl Friend

    Ok, so I did that as well. Same error I am afraid. :confused:

    christofferl Friend

    I have moved to a new host and the errors are gone. :laugh:

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

This topic contains 14 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  christofferl 13 years, 11 months ago.

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