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  • captainbohica Friend

    What file can I go to in order to see the meta data/tags for the website? I know i can change the meta data in global config, but where can I make the hard code changes?

    Reason I ask is because when you bring up my site in google, the description of the site on google is the old one.. I changed it in global config but its still the same?

    Also – can I change the meta data for different categories? or sections? if so, where?

    bennitos Friend

    It just takes a while before you see the changes on google, its not instant 🙂

    If you changed the meta tags in your config is enough.

    If you want to check other meta tags or see how it is right away then you can use tools like this one:

    mj1256 Friend

    here’s a tip

    do a search for your domain name on google
    by your site description will be a link “cached”
    on the header of the cached page you will see on the right hand side a link for “text only version”
    this will show you what google bot sees and is indexing
    right click on this page and check the source and you will see what is currently indexed for your tags

    if your new tags are not there, you need to wait for google to update.
    if they are there, then google is ignoring them, and they do that from time to time for many reasons, including but not limited to placing a penalty on your page for improperly formed and/or used tags

    the changes could appear in hours or weeks.

    google also has data centers all over the world, they do not refesh or update at the same time. so one location may get the new tags while another location will still se the older tags.

    accept or reject, but…my site is ranked right under bruce clay in the top ten results for internet business consulting out of 19,100,000 returns.

    davebau Friend

    Just as an added bonus…you might check out this Missing Metadata Module


    It checks against ALL of your articles and gives you a list of the ones that are missing metadata.

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