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  • Don Lee Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 208781 wrote:</em><blockquote>Is “BebasNeueRegualr” a “web safe” font – or is there some special cufon call that is being used?</blockquote>

    Yes, it is. The font source is

    newtybar Friend

    I was just thinking the same thing and about to post on it. I am glad I found this thread. Please release it!

    stylez4men Friend

    This would be a welcome late Christmas present. Let us know something give us hope, at the very least give us a time frame so we can plan content and images for how we are going to use the site. Loyal Customer here 😀

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@newtybar 212528 wrote:</em><blockquote>I was just thinking the same thing and about to post on it. I am glad I found this thread. Please release it!</blockquote>

    You’re Welcome


    thatcomputerdude Friend

    I was just coming here to request this template for Joomla!

    I am super glad to hear it’s gonna happen the first quarter of this year. I think this was a fantastic design and could be used in a LOT of different types of websites!

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Hi Mike,

    JA Methys might come out in feb or march, Hung has taken note of the requests and has lined it up for development. Even i am equally impressed with this one, though i dont have any development work going on, but still want this one in the JA showcase.



    thatcomputerdude Friend

    <em>@drarvindc 213672 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Mike,

    JA Methys might come out in feb or march, Hung has taken note of the requests and has lined it up for development. Even i am equally impressed with this one, though i dont have any development work going on, but still want this one in the JA showcase.



    That’s outstanding! No rush, super glad to see JA taking note of our feedback and wants. I am still so impressed with JA over the 2010 year in the way they’ve evolved and continue to be the leader inside the Joomla community.

    If you get a free moment and see me on Skype, hit me up, I’d like to run a few things past you.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@thatcomputerdude 214102 wrote:</em><blockquote> No rush, . . . . </blockquote>

    speak for yourself . . .


    tfosnom Friend

    Hey Tom
    You haven’t taken a job that you’ve slated JA METHYS for by any chance? 🙂
    While I’ve seen computerdude state he’s the professional that alters the templates hugely from default, I think mainly for seo and so everyone doesn’t have a default ja social site etc.

    Are you the same, (as a developer), or do you plan jobs around expected releases? Perhaps because it may be better suited to clients needs? It’s a bit of a game I feel, do we wait for something 2 months away just to save a few hrs design wise or just get the job done with what we have with an option to upgrade ( value added option) later on?

    Just an interesting topic for me. Mind you it is academic ATM, I’m not a developer member . . . yet

    TomC Moderator

    I am in no way, shape or form a professional web designer/developer … or even a semi-pro … or even a nephew who offers to make something for his uncle’s fruit stand. I am purely a somewhere-between-beginner-and-intermmediate independent who has been working on his own personal multi-faceted ecommerce project for about four years now.

    Or rather, I’m just a really impatient bastard that happens to really like the possibilities with this template . . . ESPECIALLY if it is designed around the T3/J1.6 framework, is integrated with VirtueMart and has (hopefully) some other key components/module features (i.e. JA Tabs (like JA Portfolio), maybe Seyret video, maybe J Social, I dunno.


    tfosnom Friend

    You’ve been working on an online shopping site for 4 yrs? OK, thought it would be a Magento concern rather than Virtuemart? seeing VM has hardly any updating and I’m yet to see if it will even work with J1.6. Thanks for sharing

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@tfosnom 217370 wrote:</em><blockquote>You’ve been working on an online shopping site for 4 yrs? OK, thought it would be a Magento concern rather than Virtuemart? seeing VM has hardly any updating and I’m yet to see if it will even work with J1.6. Thanks for sharing</blockquote>
    Yah, that is EXACTLY the kicker – there doesn’t seem to be any concrete information as to whether VirtueMart will work with J 1.6 and/or whether the “slower than molasses” VirtueMart development community will EVER move their collective asses to further develop VrtueMart.

    I actually DO very much like Magento . . . HOWEVER, in attempting to work with it a bit, I’ve found the overall file structure to be somewhat daunting to work with. Also, the available extensions/themes are QUITE pricey.

    JoomlART is really the ONLY Magento Theme CLUB that I know about. All other theme makers demand anywhere between $80-$300 for their individual themes/templates. I don’t know about you, but for a base template/theme, that’s still a bit too cost-prohibitive for a budget-minded fledgling (hopeful) entrepreneur.

    TomC Moderator

    As an addendum . . .

    The other thing that seems restrictive w/ regard to Magento is the (as far as I am aware) inability for cross-template/site/user compatibility and/or any semblance of a discernible content management system. If Magento had a CMS system (to work alongside it’s awesome ecommerce platform (as VirtueMart does with Joomla) even remotely equivalent to the power of Joomla – I would likely be focusing all my attention/effort into learning/using Magento.

    That being said, I have to admit that I haven’t really delved too deeply into the K2 shopping cart – or even know whether or not it’s compatible with Joomla 1.6 yet. If it is, and if the JA Dev Team were considering utilizing the K2 cart, then I would hope that some additional attention to STYLING the various parts of the cart will be implemented. (To that effect …. and understanding the potential snarls I may get from some … this club’s particluar template has to have some of the BEST and overall professional VirtueMart styling I’ve ever seen –> CLICK HERE.
    (Granted, the general template styling sucks, but the VM parts of it are, in my opinion, very nicely styled).

    Just some constructive thoughts and suggestions as the JA Dev Team works on this upcoming template offering.


    Phill Moderator

    It has been noticed that some of the more active Virtuemart developer have moved to Tienda –

    As it appears a much more active project with a promise for 1.6 it would appear that is the direction to go in. Some template clubs cretainly seem tho think so too.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@phill luckhurst 217517 wrote:</em><blockquote>It has been noticed that some of the more active Virtuemart developer have moved to Tienda –

    Well, a few things regarding “Tienda” . . . .

    Number one, WHERE are the frontend screenshot and/or demo site examples ??

    Number two, HOW MUCH is the FEATURE RICH “Enterprise Edition” going to cost us ??


Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 38 total)

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