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  • xumbrella Friend

    Hi, I have JA Wall and am running version 2.5, I am interest to know if I should migrate to Joomla 3? What are the benefits?

    Also, is there a guide to migrate from JA Wall 2.5 to 3?


    Wall Crasher Developer

    @ xumbrella,

    Please check if you really want any feature of Joomla 3.x. If you do, then you can try to do it.

    I would not recommend to upgrade J2.5 to J3.x as this is not a trivial process. We have provided J3.x for JA Wall, you need to start with the quickstart package. There was no guide for this though, you can check out Akeeba Backup.

    JA Wall is developed for J2.5, thus it would work best with J2.5.

    xumbrella Friend

    thanks @Wallcrasher.

    I thought 3.x would better, but if there are no real advantages from switching then I am happy to continue with 2.5.x

    thanks for the insight.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  xumbrella 10 years, 11 months ago.

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