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  • sebbs Friend

    Hello, I have been able to fix my installation of MijoShop and have added some categories and a couple products. I linked up my top menu item to the Home page of mijoshop

    few questions….
    I am going through the anatomy of the homepage: http://docs.opencart.com/display/opencart/Browsing+the+store+front#Browsingthestorefront-Anatomyofthehomepage
    and I dont seem to have the header and all the links : Home page, Wish List, My Account, Shopping Cart, and Checkout. How do I get all this to work?

    Nazario A Friend

    @ sebbs,

    To get this all working, you need to enable “Show header widget” in MijoShop’s Configuration >> Settings >> MijoShop as in this screenshot:

    Also there need be custom CSS as follows.
    Please add this rule into file: /templates/your_template_name/css/custom.css (if not exists, please create a new one):

    #container_oc #header_oc {
    position: relative;

    The front-end should looks: http://prntscr.com/3cm3ss

    Hope this helps.

    1. 12
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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nazario A 10 years, 8 months ago.

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