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  • Aratype Friend

    I think that adding the date under the logo could be very helpful as the template is news oriented…

    cssyeah Moderator


    If you want to add the date under the logo, you can add the date code to the index.php file.

    <!– LOGO –>
    <div id=”logo”>
    <a href=”<?php JURI::base(true) ?>” title=”JA Wall”><span>JA</span>WALL</a>
    <p class=”clearfix”>
    echo “<span class=”day”>”.JText::_(strtoupper(date (‘D’))).”</span>”;
    echo “<span class=”month”>”.date (‘m’).”</span>”;
    echo “<span class=”date”>”.date (‘d’).”</span>”;
    echo “<span class=”year”>”.date (‘Y’).”</span>”;
    <p>2012 JA Hottest</p>
    <!– //LOGO –>

    then open the template.css file and go to about line 848:

    #logo p {
    display: none; /* Remove this line */

    Aratype Friend

    OK, Thank you… I have something but not the date: I have “2012 JA Hottest”

    My Temp website: http://www.targamat.com/alam

    cssyeah Moderator


    Please read this post.


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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