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  • martinus Friend

    I’ve published a new site. It was created in a sub folder – and then move to the public_html folder for publication.

    But – don’t know how – something has gone wrong with the menus.. The site is multilingual – Danish and English – but when you choose the English language the top menu disappears.
    I’ve had my web-hotel guys investigate a bit and they suggest that there is something wrong with the url’s.
    They have found these two links from the English Main Menu that works correctly:

    But the one that the menu produces looks like this: http://art-by-carla.dk/en/early-works/inner-journeys
    The English one misses the number ‘3’ in the link. Why… And how do I correct this flaw…
    Another issue is with regard to the galleries themselves.

    Secondly… It seems when you reload the pages and shifts between languages that the galleries are copied into the sidebar.. Suddenly – when I go to the backend I’ve got modules referring to the galleries placed in the sidebar or off canvas.
    This is not because of an error made when saving the module. It’s seems to happen by itself. Take a look at the attached image.

    Very often when you click on an image in order to enlarge it, the programme won’t produce arrows or the closing ‘x’.
    How to make this work better?
    As the site is published, an answer will be greatly appreciated.

    1. Skærmbillede-2016-11-17-kl.-01.08.37
    Ninja Lead Moderator


    As I can see that both main menus of English (UK) and Danisk languages on your site place in the same Main menu – which is not the correct way in a multilingual website.

    You need to separate the menu for each language and assign them with separate template style. It will work then.


    1. screencapture-art-by-carla-dk-administrator-index-php-1479366660383
    martinus Friend

    Now i’ve unpubliched all main-menus – it seems that two menu modules are in place namely Dansk main menu and English main menu.
    The Danish menu seems to be working fine
    The English seems at first to be workning but you’re not able to go back – eg. if you choose my art–>archetypes and then tries to go til Start, then it should go to http://www.caetano.info/en/ but instead it looks for caetano.info/en/my-art/early-works/archetypes#onepage-home?
    Furthermore if you click on the group-links Recent works or Early Works the top menu disappears all together..
    ANd at last – if the use the topmenu with English language chosen eg. my art–>early works–>archetypes you go to the correct page and the topmenu i visible. But try to open sidebar – then you’ll see that the menu copies the module shown by the link into the sidebar!!! Why is that…
    Can you tell me if there’s another module controlling the top menu?
    And please – how do I fix this…As the page is published and my customer is a bit uneven about the project I would like a quick answer… It also has the need for speedy solutions as I am about to install a webshop in the website. So please help me out here…

    Thank You in advance..

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    I changed the configuration of your site with the template style as my screenshot


    Now, you can see the menu on your site is working as well


    martinus Friend

    Thank you for your effort., You might want to take another look at the page:

    1. First of all you have managed to mess up the system, so that the homepages now appears different when looking at Danish and English language. The English homepage goes to the correct homepage whereas the Danish shows something diffent from contents.
      2.: Please observe that that for both English and Danish I use to diffent templates as the Logo has white fonts in the frontpage and black fonts in contenspages.
      3.: After your intervention the site’s topmenu still won’t go back to frontpages… At least the Danish homepage
      4.: On some pages the top link for the contact page is missing all together.

    Please either set it back to the state before you started or please solve the question.

    martinus Friend

    As follow up to previous mail.
    I have now made the English and Danish Homepage to work by using your method and assigning proper templates to the different menus and menu-items. So by now the top menu appears to function correctly when going from front page and to sub-pages and galleries. Now the setup is as follows:
    English frontpage –> Main menu english – corresponds with JA Resume Default English (2)
    Other pages –> Main menu English corresponds with JA Resume Default English
    Danish Frontpage –> Danish Main Menu –> corresponds with Ja Resume Home Photographer
    Other Danish pages –> Danish Main Menu –> corresponds with Ja Resume Default (2)
    But there still is an issue with links that won’t let you go ‘backwards’. Eg with language set to English and starting off at the frontpage choose My Art–>Early Works–>Archetypes. Now you are viewing one gallery called Archetypes. Now let’s assume you want to know a bit more about the Artist. Therefore you press the link ‘About the Artist’. Nothing happens because the link now points http://www.caetano.info/en/my-art-3/early-works/archetypes#short_biography instead of http://www.caetano.info/en/#short_biography. The latter link would bring you to the frontpage where the module Short Biography is situated.

    Do you have any suggestions
    Thank you in advance

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    I changed the configuration from SHORT BIOGRAPHY module on your site and It needs to select with the English pages, see the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/d9st99 and you can see it’s working as well on your site http://prntscr.com/d9sure


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