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  • kcdesi Friend

    I would like to be able to display the module titles for content-top position and turn it off as per my decision. Right now I have enabled the title Show Title options to ‘yes’ for all my content-top modules. I do need certain modules to have titles and certain ones I do not. Can you help me enable the module titles in the content-top position? And tell me what you did so I can use it in other places?

    Thank you very much!

    himangi Friend


    I checked you template layout ‘test’ and I found the content-top block having style=”raw”. Instead of raw, you need to have xhtml style as below, which will display module titles if they are enabled from the modules.
    <blockquote><block name=”content-top” style=”xhtml”>content-top</block></blockquote>

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  himangi 13 years ago.

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