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  • monger quark Friend


    Actually my website is using full layout in iPad Landscape-Mode (which is okay) but it is not using Mobile-Layout in iPad Portrait-View (768 x 1024). I do not want to use full layout in iPad Portrait-View, mobile layout should be used instead.

    With a kindle tablet I do not have this problem, here my site is using full layout for Landscape-View and mobile layout for Portrait-View (600 x 1024). That is exactly what I would also need for my iPad!

    What changes have to be done to achieve this?


    Stork11 Friend

    Hello monger quark,

    JA Lens mobile layout is only activated when width of screen is less than 719px. As you see, width of screen in iPad portrait view is 768px. So mobile layout can’t be activated in this case.


    monger quark Friend

    Hi Stork11,

    Okay, I already thought that it could be like this but is there really no way to change these resolution limits?

    Lets say raising mobile-tablet-layout limit to less than 800px instead – so I should get mobile view in iPad portrait mode. There must be a place where you can change resolution limits for different layouts, or do I misunderstand something important here? It would be really important for my project thats why I am so persistent. 😉

    Thanks for your explanation,

    swissa Friend

    Note my signature – copy the file before changing it! 😉

    If you look at /templates/ja_lens/js/wall.js @ line 49

    (EDIT) STRIKE THAT. Why did I write that file? Ho hum. Sorry, file is /templates/ja_lens/component.php – line 49

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/templates/<?php echo $this->template; ?>/css/layout-mobile.css" media="only screen and (max-width:719px)" />

    and change the 719px to 800px or so it should work.

    You can test it on http://www.responsinator.com/

    Hope that helps! (and works!)

    monger quark Friend

    And I already thought that I went completely nuts because I could not find this line first. 😀

    Thanks swissa!

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  monger quark 12 years, 4 months ago.

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