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  • mamieadom Friend


    how to mange to hide some menu item on the mobile menu version ?

    pavit Moderator


    You can add the hidden-xs code into link css style

    1. Screenshot-at-ott-03-17-59-15
    mamieadom Friend

    There are already a css or is it necessary to create?
    And what should we do to hide on desktop ?

    pavit Moderator

    There are already a css or is it necessary to create?

    It is bootstrap css already installed

    mamieadom Friend

    And what should we do to hide on desktop ?

    pavit Moderator

    And what should we do to hide on desktop ?

    You can use the hidden-lg suffix

    Take a look HERE

    mamieadom Friend

    I tried with css but I did not happen.
    I did like the screenshot but it has no effect.

    1. Capture-d’écran-2016-10-04-à-17.28.58
    pavit Moderator

    remove the empty space at beginning of code

    mamieadom Friend

    yes, I also tried, it does not work.

    mamieadom Friend

    It’s working with "hidden-lg" but not with "hidden-xs"

    pavit Moderator

    yes, I also tried, it does not work.

    You are using an external extension ( mainmenu ck ) it has a proper bootstrap code so i guess bootstrap code suggested won’t works on it , you can try to ask to extension developer how to hide it on mobile versions.

    mamieadom Friend

    No, I stopped using Maxi menu CK. I use only your template now (in dev)

    pavit Moderator

    Please share a temp super user account to your dev website answering to this topic as private reply and tell me which menu item you want to hide, i will have a look at it.

    mamieadom Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    You have installed maximenu ck component that manages your menus items as showed in my img below

    for some reason it override normal bootstrap menu items properties , the hidden-xs works fine on a clean uber installation as i showed you in my previous post , i can suggest to ask to the maximenu ck developer team to debug why it doesn’t works on your website.


    1. Screenshot-at-ott-04-18-50-12
    2. Screenshot-at-ott-04-18-49-33
Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

This topic contains 18 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pavit 8 years, 3 months ago.

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