In JA_Events II the module, mod_articles_popular has an override template that is forcing it to sort by popularity. Instead I need it to sort by creation date of the article. Please provide some direction to achieve this.
Here is the code snippet from the override:
(function ($) {
**$("#mostread-<?php echo $module->id; ?>.mostread").owlCarousel({**
navigation : true,
pagination: false,
items: 3,
loop: false,
scrollPerPage : true,
autoHeight: false,
navigationText : ["<i class='fa fa-angle-left'></i>", "<i class='fa fa-angle-right'></i>"],
itemsDesktop : [1199, 3],
itemsDesktopSmall : [979, 2],
itemsTablet : [768, 2],
itemsTabletSmall : [600, 2],
itemsMobile : [479, 1]