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  • brentwilliams2 Friend

    I am getting the following error in a couple of places, including when trying to register as a job seeker:

    Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in C:xamppxampplitehtdocstemplatesrt_terrantribunehtmlmod_menudefault.php on line 48

    (This error gets superimposed over the main menu of my site, but the registration fields still show up.)

    brentwilliams2 Friend

    This might be related or might not, but the login/registration redirects do not appear to work properly, either. For example:

    1) When logging out, I have it set to redirect to home page. Instead, it redirects to localhost/?view=featured

    2) When logging in as employer, I have it set to redirect to the buy packages page, Instead, it redirects to: localhost/component/jajobboard/?Itemid=483

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Brentwilliams2,

    <blockquote>1) When logging out, I have it set to redirect to home page. Instead, it redirects to localhost/?view=featured</blockquote>
    >> Please check param setting of JA Jobboard Menu module

    <blockquote>2) When logging in as employer, I have it set to redirect to the buy packages page, Instead, it redirects to: localhost/component/jajobboard/?Itemid=483</blockquote>
    >> Yes, i forwarded this issue to dev team and we will update bugs fix in the next version.


    brentwilliams2 Friend

    Hi Hero,

    Thank you for the quick reply.

    <blockquote>Please check param setting of JA Jobboard Menu module</blockquote>
    I’m confused – what other setting am I supposed to look at? As I mentioned, I have logging out set to redirect to the home page – can you explain what other parameter I need to adjust?

    Also, you didn’t cover the questions in my first message – any guidance on that error? (Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in C:xamppxampplitehtdocstemplatesrt_terrantribu nehtmlmod_menudefault.php on line 48)


    HeR0 Friend


    Please look the screenshot http://prntscr.com/117vn2
    <blockquote>I’m confused – what other setting am I supposed to look at? As I mentioned, I have logging out set to redirect to the home page – can you explain what other parameter I need to adjust?</blockquote>


    brentwilliams2 Friend

    I’m sorry, but I’m confused as to what you are asking me to do that is different than what I have already done. If you look at the screenshot attached, I have used the option that you were pointing out. It is supposed to go to the home page. But rather thank going to the homepage (localhost/), it goes to: localhost/?view=featured

    Also, my BIG issue, which is the first post on this thread, is still unresolved – should I fork it into a new message, because I am completely stuck on development until that error is cleared up.

    1. ja-jobs-employer-redirect-logout-error
    HeR0 Friend


    Please try to disable override menu module layout : rename file templatesrt_terrantribu nehtmlmod_menudefault.php to templatesrt_terrantribu nehtmlmod_menudefault.php__ . You override menu module layout in your template which jobboard cannot take, so you need to check with non override case.
    <blockquote>Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in C:xamppxampplitehtdocstemplatesrt_terrantribu nehtmlmod_menudefault.php on line 48</blockquote>

    This is SEF link of home page, i guess it has problem with SEF function. If you have a demo site, we can check it for you. Please try to disable SEF function in global configuration to confirm this issue.
    <blockquote>it goes to: localhost/?view=featured</blockquote>


    brentwilliams2 Friend

    Thanks Hero. I haven’t tested out the second part yet, but the error fix seems to have worked! (Although I’m a little scared of any side effects…)

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  brentwilliams2 11 years, 8 months ago.

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