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  • majino Friend

    Hi… i’ve put the mod_virtuemart_search module in the user4 position, but look how it’s bad now… 😀

    how can I solve this? 😀

    majino Friend

    if you guys need to enter the website, i’ll give you user and password… please help 😀

    jsgrill Friend

    I’ve had the same problem. My solution was NOT to use the mod_virtuemart_search module. If you use the standard Joomla Search module and enable the Virtuemart Extended Search Plugin mambot then search works fine.

    majino Friend

    where could i download the virtuemart extended search plugin? 🙂 thanks!

    jsgrill Friend

    The extended search plugin is part of the Complete VirtueMart package and the Manual Installation package. If you have downloaded either of those, you have it already. It is in the plugins directory and named vmxsearch.plugin_1.1.0.j15.zip.

    majino Friend

    i feel stupid, but i don’t find this file… it seems to be unzipped in plugins/search , because i see two files named vmxsearchplugin.php and vmxsearchplugin.xml , but if i go to extensions-plugins , it’s not installed and i don’t know how to install… so, what should i do? 🙂 thanks a lot for your answers!

    jsgrill Friend

    1) Download the Complete VirtueMart Package again and unzip it
    2) Go into your site’s Administrator
    3) Select “Extensions” > “Install/Uninstall”
    4) In the “Upload Package File” box, browse and select the vmxsearch plugin (should be in the Plugins directory).
    5) Select “Extensions” > “Plug-in Manager”
    6) Find entry for “Virtuemart Extended Search Plugin” and enable.

    majino Friend

    work really good, now.. thanks a lot!!

    egotripped22 Friend

    Is there any way to include images in the search results from the extended search plugin?

    bigrk Friend

    egotripped22 open a new thread. I am marking this one as solved.

    janoehansen Friend

    I want to be able to see the Virtuemart pictures, therefore we need the Virtuemart Search, and not the search extension…

    After some testing i found this solution:
    find the file: mod_virtuemart_search.php
    under modules/mod_virtuemart_search

    Delete the lines:
    <p><label for=”keyword”><?php echo $VM_LANG->_(‘PHPSHOP_SEARCH_LBL’) ?></label></p>
    <input class=”button” type=”submit” name=”Search” value=”<?php echo $VM_LANG->_(‘PHPSHOP_SEARCH_TITLE’) ?>” />

    Sincerely Jan

    huwilerp Friend

    Why would it not beinstalled on the quickstart version?

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

This topic contains 12 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  huwilerp 16 years ago.

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