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  • 1remos Friend

    The question in JA Wall Template!

    How do i modify popupIFrame width which by defaulrt is “638”

    See attached picture

    I m using K2

    By modifing “popup-view” by appling CSS (default widh is 640px) in template.css (line 1084)
    that changes only the content area and not the width of the content inside!

    Thank u in advance!

    1. www.agorazoellinika.org-screen-capture-2012-10-27-16-12-14
    arucardx Friend

    Open Wall.js and find this block of code

    $('<div id="popup-inner" />')
    .html ($('<iframe id="popupIFrame" src="' + url + '" width="638" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" />')
    .bind('load', ifmOnload))
    .appendTo ('#popup-content');

    Just change the width there to whatever you want. Note that the 2 missing px is actually border for the pop up.

    Also remember to change this width check for pop up after changing the width. Look for this block of code, should be a little higher up. Here you want to change that 700 to whatever new width you have set. I’m not sure why comment says 600px, and the iframe width is 638px while the width check is 700px. My guess is.. buffer?

    // check if window is smaller than popup width - 600px
    if ($(document.body).width() < 700){
    return true;

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  arucardx 12 years, 2 months ago.

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