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  • uzvezda Friend

    I use Joomla 3.0x
    Whenever I go to modul slideshow lite to change parameters and go to BAsic Options–>
    Advanced Configuration i got one more character “”
    <h3>Project</h3><p>Loremipsum nore dam, isere…</p>
    Each time I click on save button it double+1 char. “” thus it goes. first save it’s 1 time “”, second is 3 times “”, third is 7 times “”, forth is 15 times “”, fifth is 31 times “” and so on.
    How can I solve it? I assume that because of this I can not show titel and description beside the photo. It shows only photos, without text.

    Thank you.


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Because magic_quotes_gpc of your hosting is ON and you need to OFF it. Please take a look at user guide for reference: http://php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.disabling.php

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