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  • jeremiahbenes Friend

    Hi. My site is http://www.ymca.oneofakind.ws. I too am having the module alignment issue. I’ve looked on the forum, but I haven’t found a way to fix it. Please let me know what to do.


    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Jeremiahbenes,

    In articles or modules which displays on homepage is missing div closed tag. Please check them.


    swype Friend
    jeremiahbenes Friend

    <em>@HeR0 336399 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Jeremiahbenes,

    In articles or modules which displays on homepage is missing div closed tag. Please check them.


    Thanks for your help. I have checked all my articles and I couldn’t find any that contain a missing div tag. Any other ideas?

    <em>@swype 336441 wrote:</em><blockquote>i got some problem too here is my thread : http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/module-right-ja-portfolio-2-5-mess-up/ :((</blockquote>

    I’ve been watching your thread. Hopefully someone will post a solution publicly for this.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    @jeremiahbenes: I have applied to fix the error on your site. Please check it again.

    This is bug override on our template. I will apply this fix to our product and release it on next version JA Portfolio Template.

    jeremiahbenes Friend

    Thanks so much for all your help!

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    This is my solution


    Paste override to


    Or you can compare with default_item.php file is missing “div” on template with component

    zhappo Friend

    Could you explain exactly what code is to be copied and where it should be pasted?

    Working localhost.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    @zhappo: Here you are.
    Extract my attachment file and copy paste override on path below:

    Remember backup old you file and clear cache from Admin area

    1. default_item.zip
    olive73 Friend

    Yes !!! Thanks A LOT !
    I was going crazy with that module position for days…
    It’s at last solved with your attached file.
    Well thank you again.

    jeronimov Friend

    On a J25 install, either uploading this file or getting it from my own components/com_content/views/featured/tmpl/default_item.php
    fixes the module position alignment problem but breaks the style of my featured articles in the Home page. Any ideas on how to solve the alignment without messing up the featured articles? see http://www.ceramicasantiago.com

    jeronimov Friend

    The final explanation came from Chavan in the post:

    <blockquote>I have fixed the issue:
    Issue was this file: /templates/ja_portfolio/html/com_content/featured/default_item.php
    The article-tools End DIV tag was closed after the EndIf statement, I have moved it before the Endif statement
    This is the fix.</blockquote>

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

This topic contains 12 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  jeronimov 12 years, 1 month ago.

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