Hello, I have a couple technically questions regarding modules on my school newspaper’s website.
One is about the JA News Pro Module and JA News Featured Module. Both of them are having the error: (1146 Table ‘outlook_joomla.#__k2_categories’ doesn’t exist) which is not allowing the modules to be seen on the backend when they are opened.
The second question is about the JA Twitter Module and how even though I have entered in all of our specific keys for twitter, I am still getting this error: (Couldn’t resolve host ‘api.twitter.com’). The only thing that appears where the module should appear is the follow button.
My last question regards an error in which updating an extension results in an error that says the update path does not exist.
I was hoping that someone could point me in the right direction in getting these errors fixed.
Thank you.
This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by muoutlook.
This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by muoutlook.