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  • timmieboy Friend


    The module JA Jobboard: JA Jobs Counter is not showing all jobs that are related to a category. It just shows the last two jobs. I have setup that it has to show the jobs on runtime.


    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend


    To resolve this issue, please following steps below:
    – Open the file:

    – Find the code snippet:
    [PHP]$where_more .= ‘ and(a.effected_date<=now()) and((DATE_ADD(a.effected_date, INTERVAL ‘.(int)$jbconfig[‘posts’]->get(‘posts_display_days’, 30). ‘ DAY) >= now() AND a.is_hotjob=0) or(DATE_ADD(a.effected_date, INTERVAL ‘.(int)$jbconfig[‘posts’]->get(‘posts_show_days_elapsed’, 30). ‘ DAY) >= now() AND a.is_hotjob=1))’;[/PHP]

    – And replace it with:
    [PHP]if ($jbconfig[‘posts’]->get(‘posts_expiry_date_by’, 1)) {
    $where_more .= ‘ AND (a.effected_date<=now()) and((DATE_ADD(a.effected_date, INTERVAL ‘.(int)$jbconfig[‘posts’]->get(‘posts_display_days’, 30). ‘ DAY) >= now() AND a.is_hotjob=0) or(DATE_ADD(a.effected_date, INTERVAL ‘.(int)$jbconfig[‘posts’]->get(‘posts_show_days_elapsed’, 30). ‘ DAY) >= now() AND a.is_hotjob=1))’;
    } else {
    $where_more .= ‘ AND (a.expiry_date >= now() OR a.expiry_date is NULL) and(a.effected_date<=now())’
    .’ and((DATE_ADD(a.effected_date, INTERVAL job_duration DAY) >= now() ‘
    .’AND a.is_hotjob=0) or(DATE_ADD(a.effected_date, INTERVAL job_duration DAY) >= now() AND a.is_hotjob=1))’;

    I have applied this solution on your site, please have a look.

    timmieboy Friend


    Thanks but still a problem. It shows offline jobs, as you can see there is no job online now and still showing several categories.



    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend


    No, it is an another issue, since JA Job Counter does not update counter data if Cache is disabled.
    To resolve this issue, please open the file:

    Find the code line:
    [PHP]// Check updated counter
    if( !file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).”/counter/”.$fieldlist->field_name.”.updated”) ){
    $content = ”;
    JFile::write( dirname(__FILE__).”/counter/”.$fieldlist->field_name.”.updated”, $content );

    // Nuber format
    $thousand_separator = $params->get(“thousand_separator”, “,”);
    // Cache proccess
    $update_interval = intval( trim( $params->get(“update_interval”, “5”) ) );[/PHP]

    And replace it with:
    [PHP]// Cache proccess
    $update_interval = intval( trim( $params->get(“update_interval”, “5”) ) );
    // Check updated counter
    if( !file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).”/counter/”.$fieldlist->field_name.”.updated”) || !$update_interval){
    $content = ”;
    JFile::write( dirname(__FILE__).”/counter/”.$fieldlist->field_name.”.updated”, $content );

    // Nuber format
    $thousand_separator = $params->get(“thousand_separator”, “,”);[/PHP]

    I have applied this fix on your site, please have a look.

    timmieboy Friend

    Thank, but last problem. I have selected to NOT show the empty categories but now I see all of them. So still something is wrong!!

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