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  • Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY Friend


    I have now 2 problems in this module.

    JAsidenews modul get content from my category where I use Blog style.
    In JA sidenews I want use small pictures.

    Problem 1: In introtext is a text {jathumbnail off}
    Problem 2: Pictures don’t have border and margin

    How I correct these problems?


    1. 1
    aman204 Friend

    1) You can remove the specific text from specific article output in article manager

    2) Add this at end of template.css file and adjust properties accordingly

    .ja-slidenews-item img{border:1px solid #ccc;margin-right:10px;}

    Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY Friend

    The 2. problem is solved. Thank you 🙂

    But in the 1. I can’t remove the specific text, because it I need in blog style. Another solution???

    aman204 Friend

    <blockquote>But in the 1. I can’t remove the specific text, because it I need in blog style. Another solution??? </blockquote>

    Sorry but I am unsure about this. Probably, Someone else could help you with this 🙂


    Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY Friend

    Who can help me?

    thuanlq Friend

    HI @easypc,
    You can remove “{jathumbnail off}” on introtext of jaslidenews module as following
    – Open “helper.php” file on location “modules/jaslidenews/”.
    – Edit “getListArticles” function, add new code as following after line “$data = $db->loadObjectlist();”

    //Start copy
    JPluginHelper::importPlugin ( 'content' );
    $dispatcher = & JDispatcher::getInstance ();
    $params = & $mainframe->getParams ( 'com_content' );
    $limitstart = JRequest::getVar ( 'limitstart', 0, '', 'int' );

    foreach( $data as $i => $row){
    $data [$i]->text = $data [$i]->introtext;
    $results = $dispatcher->trigger ( 'onPrepareContent', array ( $data [$i], $params, $limitstart ) );
    $data [$i]->introtext = $data [$i]->text;
    //End here

    It call “onPrepareContent” trigger, if jathumbnail was enabled, this plugin would remove custom tag.

    Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY Friend

    Great solution 🙂
    Thank you very much.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Ing. Ervin Zatko EASY 13 years, 11 months ago.

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