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  • jasgrif1123 Friend


    This may not be directly a mageia question but I am using the mageia template. I have installed a few modules and they appear to be owned by user 99. Therefore I’m unable to edit their css style sheet through my ftp. I tried changing user and group attributes but to no avail. Is there a way around this?


    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    hi Jackson
    pls send live site
    and more descript allow me to help you

    jasgrif1123 Friend

    The live site is I installed a seperate login module but its owned by user 99 and I want to edit its css and other parameters using ftp but it won’t allow me to change its ownership or permissions. Any ideas?

    nguyenhuu quang Friend
    where user 99?
    I cant see it

    jasgrif1123 Friend

    The module is user5 and its a seperate login module to the default login that comes with joomla. The css style sheet associated with this module is owned by 99

    scotty Friend

    Quang he’s talking about file ownership on the server I think.

    Did you install the module in the usual way? or did you use Joomlas ‘FTP layer’ or did you manually install? All 3 will give a different owner.

    Joomla should ‘assume’ your apache user but this is not always the case depending on apache and server configuration. This is what the ‘FTP layer’ module in Joomla is for – to by pass these permission problems (It’s just as fast and more secure than the normal install method). No idea where ’99’ is coming from. Do you have a FTP user on your account with the username ’99’ maybe?

    Phill Moderator

    I think digiweb in Ireland use this silly naming system on their hosting. If this is who you are using then speak to them and they should be able to help.

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