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  • timpennington Friend

    I have 2 questions regarding placing new modules on certain pages in Teline V:

    1. How do you place a “custom” module on the Home Page (http://goturpin.com/2015_Teline/index.php); I have tried banner-1 and sidebar-1 and all and can’t get the modules I’ve created (customer HTML and Twitter) to appear.

    2. How do I get custom modules to show up on “Blog” pages I’ve created (http://goturpin.com/2015_Teline/index.php/fall/football). I want to add some custom HTML modules but event though I assign them to the page and in the position of banner-1 and sidebar etc they don’t appear.



    pavit Moderator


    As you can see from your website home you have now 2 module published in positions banner-1 and sidebar-1

    When you assign the module to pages , you need also to assign the module to the correct page

    Example Home menu item is a menu item alias of Top-Navigation menu so you need to assign modules also to item Magazine of Top Navigation menu

    Best regards

    timpennington Friend

    Thank you! I understand now about the alias for home page.

    But what about the blog pages and assigning a module to them?

    For example, I have a module “Meet Coach Rob Stoll” that I want to be in the blog page “Football” under the “Fall” parent head. I am just not understanding what position or page it needs.

    Any help with that? Then I think I will understand.


    pavit Moderator

    I cannot see a blog menu item on your website , could you clarify better maybe with a screenshot where exactly you want your module published ?

    timpennington Friend

    The blog item is under FALL and it is “Football” (See screen shot Football)

    It is of a page with football stories on it (See screen shot Football2)

    I want to put a custom HTML item “Meet Coach Rob Stoll” on the right side of the page in the “sidebar” module space, which I think is where it would go.

    pavit Moderator

    Your menu item Football should have assigned as template style the JA_Teline_V-Default template and not magazine in this way you will have as right position the sidebar position

    Check now

    timpennington Friend

    Thank you so much!

    I’m still learning, but thank you for speeding it up for me!


    pavit Moderator

    <blockquote>I’m still learning</blockquote>

    Then you are on the right place , search on forum posts , there are all solutions available for many questions you may encounter during your website development approach

    Best wishes

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pavit 9 years, 6 months ago.

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