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  • igon2 Friend

    how to place contact details to the upper right corner to Position: languageswitcherload?
    I can’t find this position (languageswitcherload) in the position list:

    Thanks in advance!

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Please type the position name and you will its in the list .
    Take a try and see it will work 🙂

    gringo211985 Friend

    Hi there,

    If you don’t see "languageswitcherload" in the list of module positions you can add custom position by typing it and hitting enter on your keyboard. This will then place your module in whatever position you typed.

    Like This

    Hope this helps.


    igon2 Friend

    Thank’s, could you advice me how to do above the main menu the module with contact information (and social icons), something like this: http://prntscr.com/ayg9ol

    gringo211985 Friend

    Hi Igon,

    You can find all your template module positions by going to "extensions – templates – your template – layouts" from there you will see all the module positions and the ones above the main menu is what you are looking for. Publish modules in those positions and you should be good to go.


    igon2 Friend

    Thank’s, but I don’t see any positions above the header, look at the screen:
    What you can advise?

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Go to /templates/uber/tpls
    You will see many layouts files in this folder . Open the layout file that you are using on your site .
    Add this code above the header block
    <?php $this->loadBlock('topbar') ?>

    Like here : http://prntscr.com/az8uqg
    And you have a position above the header .

    gringo211985 Friend

    Hi Igon,

    If that is too difficult then you can publish an ACM module (topbar) in the main menu position and make sure it’s ordered before the menu. Usually the position is "acm-header" but it may be something different.


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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