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  • serenader Friend

    JA Teline IV is a genius work. I’ve been using it for sometime now.
    A few days ago, all of a sudden the front page went berserk, I tried several things and disabled a few sections and thing began looking up.
    But, JA News Front Page module became mangled to the point of no return, and module position sl-r disappeared totally. Nothing I could do helped. And JA Tabs2 collapsed on the column under it.
    Can any one he,p please?
    here is the url: newmedianile

    1. teline_iv
    cgc0202 Friend


    All modules that are empty are meant to collapse (or disappear). The JA Tabs module or any module found in the sl-r position would disappear, if it has no content that was checked to appear on a specific category or the “Home” page of your site.

    For example, if you started with the Demo data file, it appears that you deleted or unplublished all those dummy files and modules, and replaced them with your own. Your own files may not be designated for any of the modules that were meant to appear in the sl-r.

    To diagnose what happened, it would help if you provide image snapshots of:

    • the Modules Manager (where the sl-r is located — make sure this is published)
    • individual snapshots of the edit page of each of the modules in the sl-r position

    For each of the edit window of the modules in the sl-r position, check the following:

    Click “magazine”, and make sure “Home” is check and nothing else, if you are just beginning to understand Teline IV layouting.
    As I stated above, checking “Home” would not make the module appear, until there is content created (the default is “collapse” or disappear if there is no content)
    It gets more tricky when the module you are looking for is “ja-tabs2”, as this is more a multi-position placeholder, where you place other modules.

    Then, of course, it could have been messed up, and you have to replace the “module” by cloning the equivalent module from the template.

    Or, as a last recourse, “uninstall” old module and “reinstall” new module from a zip file. [Unless you already know what you are doing, do not perform this step because the process would erase the cloned modules also.] It is better to seek technical support, first.


    <em>@serenader 222513 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,
    JA Teline IV is a genius work. I’ve been using it for sometime now.
    A few days ago, all of a sudden the front page went berserk, I tried several things and disabled a few sections and thing began looking up.
    But, JA News Front Page module became mangled to the point of no return, and module position sl-r disappeared totally. Nothing I could do helped. And JA Tabs2 collapsed on the column under it.
    Can any one he,p please?
    here is the url: newmedianile

    serenader Friend

    Hello Cornelio,
    And thanks for the informative reply.
    I tried some of your suggestions earlier, before posting. It appears the problem statred with Ja News frontpage module, which affected neighbor positions.
    Anyway, I will post the requested snapshots shortly.
    Appreciate your kind help.

    cgc0202 Friend


    Are you using Teline IV Joomla 1.5? When did you download it? There were more recent versions of the JA News Frontpage since it was released. This could be an issue, but unlikely (but cannot be eliminated) from what you stated in the previous post.

    Your site seems to display fast enough. One cause of some parts not showing is a “time-out” issue.

    It is possible also that it is a layout issue. From what I viewed, you changed the width sizes of the content portion to the portion of the site. But, you actually increased the right portion of the site, so this is unlikely.

    Can you try this? Open the “News Flash random module”***, and do the following:

    1. Near the “Top right”, under “Basic Options”, select a category where you have content that appears in your site.
    2. Then, do a “Save as Copy” clone
    3. Replace the Title name
    4. Change setting to “Publish” (make sure the Default access is “Public”)
    5. For position, select “sl-r”
    6. In Menu Asisgnment => Select “magazine” => select display “Only on the Pages selected” => then make sure only “Home” is checked.
    7. Check the “Save” icon near the top
    8. Check the Front End

    If it works, then something else caused the disappearance of the modules you wanted. If not, it means a more complicated issue.


    *** This module is not width restricted, so if it works, one possible cause is a layout issue, for the modules that disappeared.

    <em>@serenader 222526 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello Cornelio,
    And thanks for the informative reply.
    I tried some of your suggestions earlier, before posting. It appears the problem statred with Ja News frontpage module, which affected neighbor positions.
    Anyway, I will post the requested snapshots shortly.
    Appreciate your kind help.</blockquote>

    serenader Friend

    hello again,
    tried your suggestion, and still no show. Furthermore, users 6 to 11 show spaces.
    Any suggestions?

    1. space
    serenader Friend

    And here is the modules in sl-r position.

    1. sl-r
    cgc0202 Friend


    You have to create a new forum thread for the positions 6-10 issue spacing. I generally do not use “custom modules”, such as those placed in positions 6-10 because the contents have to be changed manualy. Thus, I have no experience with the “custom module”s placed positions 6-10. It is possible that

    # there is a fixed height; or
    # one or more of the modules in positions 6-10 have hidden and vacant html markups

    <br />

    that introduce the vertical spacing.

    <em>@serenader 222577 wrote:</em><blockquote>hello again,
    tried your suggestion, and still no show. Furthermore, users 6 to 11 show spaces.
    Any suggestions?</blockquote>

    cgc0202 Friend


    I do not know the language to know what those modules are, except the JTab 2. If the published modules in the sl-r are equivalent to:

    1. Subscribe
    2. JA Tabs 2
    3. Our partners

    The first and third are simply “images” placed in the custom modules. If you deleted the images, as you created your site, the modules would disappear.. As to the JA Tabs2

    The most critical information, not provided, is the Module edit page for each of the module below:

    <em>@serenader 222579 wrote:</em><blockquote>And here is the modules in sl-r position. </blockquote>

    With an image of the ule edit page for each of the module, it is possible to speculate what exactly you have done or whether the proper settings were done.

    At the same time: Can you try placing the following modules (temporality)

    1. Search
    2. JA News Sticker Module

    in the sl-r position. These modules should show, based on the default setting. If not show also the Module Edit menu, of each of them.


    serenader Friend

    <em>@cgc0202 222592 wrote:</em><blockquote>serenader,

    I do not know the language to know what those modules are, except the JTab 2. If the published modules in the sl-r are equivalent to:

    1. Subscribe
    2. JA Tabs 2
    3. Our partners

    The first and third are simply “images” placed in the custom modules. If you deleted the images, as you created your site, the modules would disappear.. As to the JA Tabs2

    The most critical information, not provided, is the Module edit page for each of the module below:

    With an image of the ule edit page for each of the module, it is possible to speculate what exactly you have done or whether the proper settings were done.

    At the same time: Can you try placing the following modules (temporality)

    1. Search
    2. JA News Sticker Module

    in the sl-r position. These modules should show, based on the default setting. If not show also the Module Edit menu, of each of them.


    Hello again,
    Sorry for not being able to answer sooner.
    I tried all your suggestions, and no result. Here are the snaps of modules edit pages:

    I do not know what else to do.

    1. ja_tabs2_edit
    2. comingsoon_edit
    3. banner_edit
    cgc0202 Friend


    My suggestion is to submit ticket to Joomlart technical support to look into your site. I don’t want to be given permission to have access to the backend because I do not feel qualified enough to do that. I do not want to be responsible, if something gets even worse than it already is.

    Maybe it is the language barrier, or I did not explain myself well enough.

    It is difficult to interpret: ” I tried everything…”. A single step not done or not done properly can make a great difference

    For example, when I stated, place the

    1. Search
    2. JA News Ticker module

    in the sl-r, I expected you to place each of the modules in the sl-r position, not the JA Tab2 module, and showed proof that you did it properly.

    It appears instead that what you have done is JA Tabs2, not as instructed, from what I can see in the images you provided.

    Making the JA Tabs2 module appear is more complex. If you placed the Search in the sl-r, the logical image to show proof of such action, and that it was done correctly should have been an image that the “Search” module is published in the sl-r position, as well as the Permission menu for the Search. That was not provided, and more important, you placed it elsewhere, the more complex JA Tabs module.

    The same is true with the JA News Ticker module. Where did you place it, and what and how did you do it?

    If you placed either the Search module or the JA Ticker module, in the sl-r position, and they did not work, can you make them appear in their default positions, as shown in the Demo? If these modules (Search or Ticker) would not appear in their default positions, them something more basic has gone awry when you customized your site.

    In regard the JA Tabs2 module.

    Do you have a category with category ID No. 10, and articles in category 10 with articles ID 1, 2, 3, 4. It also has K2 default category ID 10 and articles ID 1, 2, 3, 4. If you do not have those categories and articles — nothing will show And, it will be as observed, even if all the other steps were done.

    What you should do is select categories where you have articles. with the ID numger of the articles. I have not encountered specifying actual articles in the Teline II Joomla 1.5. Not sure this interactive format for the Teline IV

    It took me several weeks to understand the new backend format Teline IV. and make some parts work. And, that is borrowing from years of experience learned by trial and error with Teline II and the original Teline.

    I am more familiar now with the Teline IV Joomla 1.6. And, I still have a long way to go to resolve some of the issues I encountered.

    As I stated, beyond sharing you how I would have diagnosed and try to resolve the issue by dogged trial and error (and learning from it), I am afraid I cannot be of much further help.

    Without a decent layout that explains all this details of each task, at introductory level (with images of each nuanced step and lots of explanation on what to do and not do) it is really difficult to be on our own.


    <em>@serenader 223006 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello again,
    Sorry for not being able to answer sooner.
    I tried all your suggestions, and no result. Here are the snaps of modules edit pages:

    I do not know what else to do.</blockquote>

    serenader Friend

    Let me first reiterate my gratitude again for your kind help.
    When I said everything, I meant ALL your suggestions. That’s placing Search and JA News Ticker modules on sl-r position. Same result.
    I only uploaded snaps of the three original modules on that position. But since you deemed it necessary, I will attach snaps of search and ticker modules on that position.
    So, language barrier notwithstanding, I did as you suggested.
    As for articles ID, i will look it up, and let you know what I found.
    Thanks again

    pablojinko Friend


    I would like to report that starting tonight, I began having the same problem in the site I’m developing ( The module published in the sl1-r position simply disappeared. I also began having a problem with other modules where I get a big white space, just like serenader reported. Also the JA news fp module is not working (only one article is showing, no autoplay nor navigation bar is showing)

    I can confirm that is something related to the JA news fp module because once I disable it, my custom module at sl1-r reappears and the white space problem in the other modules disappears.

    I don’t know if you guys have come across a solution yet. I would appreciate the help.

    ps: sorry for highjacking the thread…

    pablojinko Friend

    <em>@serenader 223154 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,
    Let me first reiterate my gratitude again for your kind help.
    When I said everything, I meant ALL your suggestions. That’s placing Search and JA News Ticker modules on sl-r position. Same result.
    I only uploaded snaps of the three original modules on that position. But since you deemed it necessary, I will attach snaps of search and ticker modules on that position.
    So, language barrier notwithstanding, I did as you suggested.
    As for articles ID, i will look it up, and let you know what I found.
    Thanks again</blockquote>

    Greetings Serenader!

    I checked your site and it seems the problem regarding the JA news fp module and the missing modules at sl1-r have gone.

    Can you share what you did in order to resolve the problem, I’d really appreciate it. I’m developing a site and now I have the same problem and I haven’t been able to find a solution.


    ps: I attached a screenshot of my front page

    1. missing-module
    pablojinko Friend

    Well now I feel dumb…

    I found out what was the problem with my JA news fp module… I had three articles showing there but I didn’t remember that I’d moved two of them to a different category, therefore, my JA news fp module ended up with only one article.

    In any case I don’t know if the module is supposed to behave like that when there’s only one item in the selected category from which the module will fetch items.

    In any case, the thing I did was select more categories in the content setting of the module so it showed more than one item, and everything went back to normal…

    Just a newbie mistake on my part :-[

    serenader Friend

    Hello, and sorry for replying so late. A very case of bad flu kept me down.
    After a lot of snooping around, I found the problem to be:
    1- A wrong code embeded in a n article which mangled JA newspro module,
    2- Again wrong code embeded in a article in JA FP module.
    These- I believe- are rookie mistake, for which I am deeply ashamed.
    THANKS TO ALL of you who replied.

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This topic contains 15 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  serenader 13 years, 7 months ago.

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