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  • sallymander Friend

    i am using ja opal for http://www.homeschoolcrusaders.net
    sometime in the last few days the layout of the module has gotten messed up. the items in ja=tabs and in right are not where they are supposed to be. the are showing up just below the banner position. i have not done ay editing of the layout can you help me figure out what’s up?


    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear sally!

    Guess that the problem is from the HTML content from one of articles displaying in the home page. you try to un-public article by article to find the problem article.

    And you could not resolve this issue, please kindly submit a ticket, we will check this issue in detail


    questbg Friend

    Hi Sally

    This normally happens when you ‘copy’ and then ‘paste’ text from an application (for example Word) into the Joomla editor.

    It brings a lot of ‘rubbish’ code with it that you don’t really want in Joomla.

    First thing to do is ‘unpublish’ the last few articles until you find the one that is causing the problem.

    Then … rather than copy and paste direct from an application (Word, etc.), copy onto Notepad first, and then paste to Joomla. This will remove a lot of unwanted ‘code’ that can break you layout.

    Hope this helps!

    sallymander Friend

    thank you. that helped.
    advice taken and appreciated!

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  sallymander 14 years, 8 months ago.

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