You’ll need to visit your template css file. You are looking for this file: template_css.css On or around line 61 you need to make your adjustments.
a:hover, a:active, a:focus {
background: #F2F2F2; <– This is the line that is making the rollover color.
color: #545454;
text-decoration: underline;
} here:
I also had the “white” background issue on my site so I went to my CSS and deleted the background color all together. Click this link to see the results Scroll down to the bottom where you will see my links also in the green area. Problem is, by taking out the background color line, this will be the result you get. Taking the line out produces no color at all but I think I like it that way. I think I’ll leave mine with the line cut out. 😉
You can change the color if you wish instead of deleting it. Good Luck!