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  • dawax Friend

    I’ll try to explain as clearly as I can, but there are a few elements involved, and it is vital for me to find a solution. Even so I think it may be a simple fix.

    I am getting an error code in my Frontpage Article display on the Feature Module in TelineIII. It looks like this: <!– >

    I am using Modules Anywhere plugin to place a Custom HTML Module in my article to display Google Adsense Code. In order to push it to the right I am housing it in a right aligned table. This works brilliantly in the article, but gives me the error on the front page.

    see http://www.sagenexus.com (ref: The Tides That Bind)

    – It is the same with or without the table.
    – Since it works in the article it probably isn’t the plugin’s fault
    – The author of Modules Anywhere thinks the ja_zin module is cleaning the code.

    If this is the cause is there a way to prevent this?

    If not what other cause might it be?

    dawax Friend

    OK. So after a few hours of tweaking and experimentation I discovered another way to achieve my goal. The same author who wrote the Modules Anywhere plugin also wrote Sourcerer which does a similar thing with HTML code.

    So I dropped the Sourcerer tags into the table and then pasted the Google AdSense code which displays on the article with no <div> error on the frontpage.

    If anyone wants to know more about these plugins they are free (for now) at http://www.nonumber.nl

    (And for the record I get no kickbacks for this referral. I just appreciate this guys work!)

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  dawax 15 years, 2 months ago.

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