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  • timpennington Friend

    I have created some blog pages on my site; here is one:


    I want to put some modules UNDER the articles section, but not sure what the module placement would be called (it is sometimes mass-bottoms or something, but i don’t see)

    I have sidebar-1 set up, but what about the modules under the articles section?


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi timpennington,

    You can take a look at Back-end > Extensions > Template manager > check the template style which you’re using for that blog page > in the Layout tab you will see all available positions there.

    Assume that you’re using ‘default’ layout, you will see like this: http://prntscr.com/7t91qp

    Under the ‘component’ block (which show the articles section), there is ‘home-2’ or ‘position-5’, etc … positions there.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi timpennington,

    You can take a look at Back-end > Extensions > Template manager > check the template style which you’re using for that blog page > in the Layout tab you will see all available positions there.

    Assume that you’re using ‘default’ layout, you will see like this: http://prntscr.com/7t91qp

    Under the ‘component’ block (which show the articles section), there is ‘home-2’ or ‘position-5’, etc … positions there.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi timpennington,

    You can take a look at Back-end > Extensions > Template manager > check the template style which you’re using for that blog page > in the Layout tab you will see all available positions there.

    Assume that you’re using ‘default’ layout, you will see like this: http://prntscr.com/7t91qp

    Under the ‘component’ block (which show the articles section), there is ‘home-2’ or ‘position-5’, etc … positions there.

    timpennington Friend

    Thank you!

    That worked … I’m getting the hang of it!

    Saguaros Moderator

    I’m glad it helped!

    timpennington Friend

    I think I may have spoken to soon…

    Here is a problem I am having in the attached file

    1. The “home-2” module runs the entire width of the page
    2. I want “home-2” or some other module to stop at the same width as the news above it
    3. I want the “sidebar” items to run down the length of the right side (I run sports rosters and schedules, and they get quite long)
    4. Is it a matter of adjusting “home-2” or some other module to be the same width as the news blog module above it?
    5. Would that allow the sidebar stories to run all the way down the page when I add the rosters, etc?

    Here is a link to the live page: http://goturpin.com/2015_Teline/index.php/fall/football

    timpennington Friend

    I think I may have spoken to soon…

    Here is a problem I am having in the attached file

    1. The “home-2” module runs the entire width of the page
    2. I want “home-2” or some other module to stop at the same width as the news above it
    3. I want the “sidebar” items to run down the length of the right side (I run sports rosters and schedules, and they get quite long)
    4. Is it a matter of adjusting “home-2” or some other module to be the same width as the news blog module above it?
    5. Would that allow the sidebar stories to run all the way down the page when I add the rosters, etc?

    Here is a link to the live page: http://goturpin.com/2015_Teline/index.php/fall/football

    timpennington Friend

    I think I may have spoken to soon…

    Here is a problem I am having in the attached file

    1. The “home-2” module runs the entire width of the page
    2. I want “home-2” or some other module to stop at the same width as the news above it
    3. I want the “sidebar” items to run down the length of the right side (I run sports rosters and schedules, and they get quite long)
    4. Is it a matter of adjusting “home-2” or some other module to be the same width as the news blog module above it?
    5. Would that allow the sidebar stories to run all the way down the page when I add the rosters, etc?

    Here is a link to the live page: http://goturpin.com/2015_Teline/index.php/fall/football

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi timpennington,

    You can try to move the home-2 block position underneath the component block so that it will not spread entire width of that page.

    Below is tweak:
    – Go to file: root/templates/ja_teline_v/tpls/default.php – I assume that you’re using the ‘default’ layout
    – Move this block of code:

    <?php if ($this->countModules('home-2')) : ?>
    <div class="wrap <?php $this->_c('home-2') ?>">
    <div class="container">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="<?php $this->_p('home-2') ?>" style="raw" />
    <?php endif ?>

    to underneath this line of code:
    <jdoc:include type="component" />

    It will look like this: http://prntscr.com/7upnfu

    timpennington Friend

    I opened that file and did not see the text you mentioned.

    I have included a screen shot of what I see

    Am I in the right file?

    timpennington Friend

    I opened that file and did not see the text you mentioned.

    I have included a screen shot of what I see

    Am I in the right file?

    timpennington Friend

    I opened that file and did not see the text you mentioned.

    I have included a screen shot of what I see

    Am I in the right file?

    Saguaros Moderator

    My bad!

    It should be the file: root/templates/ja_teline_v/tpls/blocks/mainbody.php

    timpennington Friend

    Great! That worked for Home-2

    Thank you!

    If I wanted to add, say, Home-3 to be under Home-2, how would I do that?

    And what if I wanted Home-2 to have a box, inset and have the title shown? Right now there is no box, or title being show, even though I have it click.

    OR … maybe the question is how can I put more than one module in Home-2 and have them stack on top of each other, instead of what they are doing now which is trying to be side-by-side; the module I’ve seen in other JA templates like “content mass bottom” would just put one module on top of another, which is what I want … like three or four Home-2

    Thanks so much … I am almost there!

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