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  • terence Friend

    Hey Joomlart – i am not happy.

    i am not one that often complain but seriously this is THE poorest instructions i have seen in all your templates so far. You might as well not have any…..

    How do we use : modules position 1, 2, 5, 6, 7. ?
    Where are these modules ?

    The footer : There are supposed to be Spotlight Modules for this am i right ? Where are they ? How do we use them ?

    The Right module with the picture position 9 (Right) – Where is this module ? How do we set it up to look like the Demo ?

    Please Guys this is not generally how i have to battle to get a Template from Joomlart going – Assist us here.

    Menalto Friend

    You are breaking the rules so you should read the Terms of use:

    Can I remove JoomlArt Copyright?
    Written by Hung Dinh
    Yes. You can edit or remove the JoomlArt copyright information at the bottom of the template. You can claim the copyright notice "All right reserved", however the claim on creation of the template, such as:"Designed by Your Company"...are not allowed. Allowed: Copyright � 2005 - 2006 Your Company. Developed by Your Company Not Allowed : Copyright � 2005 - 2006 Your Company. Designed by Your Company

    teddirez Friend

    try editing the particular modules in question in the same way you would edit any module. Look in the custom content for it. the footer IS a module on its own.

    terence Friend

    <em>@Menalto 47258 wrote:</em><blockquote>You are breaking the rules so you should read the Terms of use:

    Can I remove JoomlArt Copyright?
    Written by Hung Dinh
    Yes. You can edit or remove the JoomlArt copyright information at the bottom of the template. You can claim the copyright notice "All right reserved", however the claim on creation of the template, such as:"Designed by Your Company"...are not allowed. Allowed: Copyright � 2005 - 2006 Your Company. Developed by Your Company Not Allowed : Copyright � 2005 - 2006 Your Company. Designed by Your Company

    I am clearly stating WEB DESIGN BY – MY COMPANY NAME – why is this not allowed? I am the web designing Company and therefore i have designed that web site. I am not saying Designed or Template designed by….

    Maybe also look at replying to my innitial question ??

    terence Friend

    <em>@teddirez 47268 wrote:</em><blockquote>try editing the particular modules in question in the same way you would edit any module. Look in the custom content for it. the footer IS a module on its own.</blockquote>
    Thank you for the reply Teddirez –
    Where do i find the custom content ? I doubt i understand what you mean ?

    Menalto Friend

    <link href="http://www.hosting-webdesign.co.za/templates/ja_villadi/css/template_css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    Check this at your main site. You clearly break the terms of use, and you state that you have designed sinndustry.com “Web Design & Hosting by hosting-webdesign.co.za”, let me know what else than the logo yo have designed there?

    terence Friend

    Fair enough – i get what you are saying and i never thought its a problem to mention that we did the site design. On both sites i have changed that.

    Now can you conform to the rules and give me some support 🙂

    Menalto Friend

    There you see the module layout.
    <blockquote>How do we use : modules position 1, 2, 5, 6, 7. ?
    Where are these modules ?

    The footer : There are supposed to be Spotlight Modules for this am i right ? Where are they ? How do we use them ?</blockquote>
    You need to create new modules to put in thoose positions to make them show up.
    <blockquote>The Right module with the picture position 9 (Right) – Where is this module ? How do we set it up to look like the Demo ?</blockquote>
    For the large image at the demo you can download it and put it in a folder called “demo” in the images/stories folder and create a new module position and set it to right position. Turn off the wysiwyg editor and paste this code into it:

    <img src="images/stories/demo/advs.gif" alt="" />
    For the Style Life blog module its almost similar,just download the images and put them into the demo folder inside the images/stories/:

    <div class="ja-innerdiv clearfix">
    <img src="images/stories/demo/sam-20.gif" alt="Sample image" align="left" />
    <strong>My style</strong><br />
    Aliquam condimentum

    <div class="ja-innerdiv clearfix">
    <img src="images/stories/demo/sam-21.gif" alt="Sample image" align="left" />
    <strong>Fashion</strong><br />
    Semper porttitor lorem

    <div class="ja-innerdiv clearfix">
    <img src="images/stories/demo/sam-22.gif" alt="Sample image" align="left" />
    <strong>Paris</strong><br />
    gravida neque Nulla

    <div class="ja-innerdiv clearfix">
    <img src="images/stories/demo/sam-23.gif" alt="Sample image" align="left" />
    <strong>No name</strong><br />
    penatibus eu.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Menalto 16 years, 9 months ago.

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