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  • seaghan Friend

    *This may be related to my earlier post*

    When I publish a module (eg the Search Module) to user3 or user6 for example, they do not appear at all. Can anyone suggest what might be wrong, a couple of things to check etc.

    Thank you so much for any help you can give.

    Menalto Friend

    Is it only when you publish it to thoose positions they dont show up?
    Have you had any other problems, did any modifications etc?

    seaghan Friend

    Thank you for replying! Much appreciated!! 🙂

    1) The modules show up when I publish to right or left etc.
    2) No other obvious problems, but I was using another Template on the website and there might have been changes which had unforseen consequences

    Menalto Friend

    As a quick fix while you post your url here you can try to reinstall the template

    seaghan Friend

    thanks! I will try that 🙂

    ebajh69 Friend

    I just installed the template and I have the same problem. I publish to user1 and the module doesn’t show up. Any suggestions? How do I get the Highlight and the Spotlight?

    ShannonN Friend

    ebajh69;22197I just installed the template and I have the same problem. I publish to user1 and the module doesn’t show up. Any suggestions? How do I get the Highlight and the Spotlight?

    can’t see what’s happening without your live url

    airedale Friend

    Have you figured out the solution yet — you have to publish in user6 and any one of (user1, user2 or user5) in order to get things to show up.

    I’m so surprised that JoomlArt didn’t make it clear in the user manual in the first place! Or even post a 2-line note here!

    seaghan Friend

    thanks for your help –
    Yes, you need to publish in Module6 for any of this to work properly. Weird! and undocumented.

    Another problem with a special module I used (that might not be Olyra-related but I’ll mention it here, in case it helps others …)

    When I used one of the modules in Olyra which needed me to add content to the Module (instead of the usual content item / page), it broke display in Internet Explorer. The reason turned out to be some javascript that was using email obfuscation (hiding email address using javascript). HTH

    trob3605 Friend

    I know you’ve posted lots of answers for this problem — but I’m still not getting them to appear.
    My new site is Can you check it out to see what’s going on?


    gchirico Friend

    <em>@airedale 27695 wrote:</em><blockquote>Have you figured out the solution yet — you have to publish in user6 and any one of (user1, user2 or user5) in order to get things to show up.

    I’m so surprised that JoomlArt didn’t make it clear in the user manual in the first place! Or even post a 2-line note here!</blockquote>
    to show up module in user1 or user2 or user5 or user6 try to made this modify in the index.php file of the template:

    at the line 181 (or around) made this change:

    if ($spotlight_left || mosCountModules('user6')) {

    instead of

    if ($spotlight_left && mosCountModules('user6')) {

    With this change is not necessary to publish user6 and any one of user1, user2 or user5 together 😉


    loganmandala Friend


    The icons in user3 (menu top) don’t appear.
    I don’t anderstand why.

    PS: I’m a beginner



    hieunt Friend

    Hi loganmandala,
    Your problem was solved here
    this thread will helpful for you. Thanks

    mitchrapp Friend

    Just plain dumb and weird too 😉 I’m using the JA-Fagas template. Why not just rename the user3 module to user 6 module in the doco. It would be much easier. Since user 3 does jack.

    chiragtanna77 Friend

    I’ve the same case. I am publishing things to position 6, and to 1,2, and 5… but none of these appear on website. Strange !! any help is much appreciated.

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