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  • fguyon Friend

    I changed the format of the date to get the french one : OK ! (blocks/topbar.php file)

    After that, I still have a “MON” instead of a “LUN” displayed as the day of the week (for the monday) in spite of having modified the days in all the gb-GB Joomla! files I found !!

    In which file does the JAT and/or Teline iv 1.2.4 template get the days in this GB language ??

    Thanx for any help !

    backstriker Friend

    <em>@fguyon 230670 wrote:</em><blockquote>I changed the format of the date to get the french one : OK ! (blocks/topbar.php file)

    After that, I still have a “MON” instead of a “LUN” displayed as the day of the week (for the monday) in spite of having modified the days in all the gb-GB Joomla! files I found !!

    In which file does the JAT and/or Teline iv 1.2.4 template get the days in this GB language ??

    Thanx for any help !</blockquote>

    Hi al

    I have similar problems in customizing – but in German:

    logo: Customize px

    Last update: change in ” Update”

    Read more in “Weiterlesen…”

    More in “Mehr…”

    Setting, see Line Food&Restaurant Konzepte: change in “Einstellung”

    Publish: Monpm31UTC_f2011Mon, 14 Mar 2011 18:02:09 +000003pm31_Monday2011-03-14T18:02:09+00:004

    Change Publish in “Publiziert”

    Post time: x days ago: Change in Publikation: Vor x Tagen

    Website: http://www.cmeyer.neotest1.net/joomla/#

    Thank you for help – Chris

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear fguyon,

    I think you can open your language file and add a translation for each your day,For example for the monday it is

    fguyon Friend

    Searched in all language files and didn’t find any MON inside !!
    Another idea ??

    Phill Moderator

    It is in administrator>language>en-GB>en-GB.ini as per below from line 758 onwards.

    ; Days of the Week

    fguyon Friend

    <em>@dathq 230857 wrote:</em><blockquote>Dear fguyon,

    I think you can open your language file and add a translation for each your day,For example for the monday it is

    …As my website is dedicated to an only small french association, I only have FR files (I pasted my FR files in the GB language folder and renamed it in en-GB) and I still have the same problem.

    I think that the date format displayed is somewhere in the template or JAT files but in which file ?? (not the BLOCK/topbar.php one in teline iv template folder, I checked)

    If someone has another idea (your tribute is appreciated) !?

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear fguyon,

    I just tried as following
    Open the file templatesja_teline_ivblockstopbar.php you would see a line of code like this

    echo "<span class="day">".date ('D')."</span>";

    Just change it to
    echo “<span class=”day”>”.JText::_(date (‘D’)).”</span>”;

    I hope it helps you too.

    fguyon Friend


    1000 Thanks !! Solved

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  fguyon 13 years, 9 months ago.

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