So there must be something wrong with the code you changed. After you copy the ‘default.php’ file from com_contact, you can find this snippet of code which renders the Misc info:
<?php if ($this->contact->misc && $tparams->get('show_misc')) : ?>
<?php if ($presentation_style === 'sliders') : ?>
<?php if (!$accordionStarted)
echo JHtml::_('bootstrap.startAccordion', 'slide-contact', array('active' => 'display-misc'));
$accordionStarted = true;
<?php echo JHtml::_('bootstrap.addSlide', 'slide-contact', JText::_('COM_CONTACT_OTHER_INFORMATION'), 'display-misc'); ?>
<?php elseif ($presentation_style === 'tabs') : ?>
<?php if (!$tabSetStarted)
echo JHtml::_('bootstrap.startTabSet', 'myTab', array('active' => 'display-misc'));
$tabSetStarted = true;
<?php echo JHtml::_('bootstrap.addTab', 'myTab', 'display-misc', JText::_('COM_CONTACT_OTHER_INFORMATION')); ?>
<?php elseif ($presentation_style === 'plain') : ?>
<?php echo '<h3>' . JText::_('COM_CONTACT_OTHER_INFORMATION') . '</h3>'; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="contact-miscinfo">
<dl class="dl-horizontal">
<span class="<?php echo $tparams->get('marker_class'); ?>">
<?php echo $tparams->get('marker_misc'); ?>
<span class="contact-misc">
<?php echo $this->contact->misc; ?>
Move this to underneath this line of code (approx line 99):
<?php echo $this->loadTemplate('address'); ?>
I also attach this file so you can see the changes.