test melih
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  • lemick28 Friend

    Found the answer:


    , then change:

    ja-right { float: right; }


    ja-right { float: left; }


    ja-mainbody { float: left; }


    ja-mainbody { float: right; }

    lemick28 Friend

    But can someone explain why T3 module positions cannot be changed in Joomla like it is shown on this tutorial?

    None of those t3 options are available to me with my Joomla 3.6.5 setup.. Am I missing a plugin or is it just not available with this template?

    Saguaros Moderator


    JA Vintas template is built with old JA T3v2 framework, this tutorial is for new T3 framework

    With old JA T3v2 framework version, you can check out this documentation: https://www.joomlart.com/documentation/wiki-ja-t3v2-joomla-2-5/customization#Building_the_default_layout

    For your question, you can use css rule as you mentioned above. Another way is that you can customize the layout of template a bit by adding a new block to the left side of template. To achieve this:

    • Access Administrator Panel of your site
    • Extensions > Templates > JA Vintas (your default template) > T3 Options > Layout tab
    • Select the layout you want to add block, for example, the default layout, click the Edit button on the right side: http://prntscr.com/e8xc7z
    • You can see the middle block and add ‘left’ block like this:

      <blocks name="middle" colwidth="22">
      <block name="left1">left</block>
      <block name="right1">position-7, position-5</block>
      <block name="content-mass-bottom" type="spotlight" >content-mass-bottom</block>
    • As you can see it loads the left position for the left side, in case this position is not available, you will need to create it via file: ROOT/templates/ja_vintas/templateDetails.xml


      under tag.

    • Now, you can assign your desired module to this left position.

    Then clean JAT3 cache.

    Hope this helps.

    lemick28 Friend

    Thank you Very Much!

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  lemick28 7 years, 11 months ago.

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